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General Education Program Requirements
Majors, Minors, Certificates, and Pre-Professional Studies
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General Education Program Requirements
I. Introduction
II. The Competencies
Writing Competency
Mathematics and Quantitative Reasoning Competency
Oral English Competency
Additional Guidelines for the Competencies
III. The University Program (27 hours)
Group I - Humanities
Group II - Natural Sciences
Group III - Social Sciences
Group IV - Studies in Discrimination, Culture and Diversity
Additional Guidelines for the University Program
IV. General Education Program Requirements for Students with Transfer Credit
Majors, Minors, Certificates, and Pre-Professional Studies
Majors, Minors and Certificates list
All Majors
All Minors
Majors and Minors Overview
Pre-Professional Studies
Joint Nursing Education Pathway (JNEP)
Pre-Medicine and Osteopathy
Pre-Occupational Therapy
Pre-Physical Therapy
Pre-Physician Assistant
Pre-Veterinary Medicine
Undergraduate Certificates
Your Degree Plan
Listing of all degrees
Bachelor of Applied Arts (B.A.A.)
Bachelor of Arts (B.A.)
Bachelor of Fine Arts (B.F.A.)
Bachelor of Individualized Studies (B.I.S.)
Bachelor of Music (B.Mus.)
Bachelor of Music Education (B.Mus.Ed.)
Bachelor of Science (B.S.)
Bachelor of Science in Athletic Training (B.S.A.T.)
Bachelor of Science in Business Administration (B.S.B.A.)
Bachelor of Science (B.S.) with an Option in Community Development
Bachelor of Science in Education (B.S. Ed.), Standard Certificate (Early Childhood and Elementary Education)
Bachelor of Science in Education (B.S. in Ed.) Secondary Standard Certificate
Bachelor of Science in Computer Engineering (B.S.Cmp.E.)
Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering (B.S.E.E.)
Bachelor of Science in Engineering Technology (B.S.E.T.)
Bachelor of Science in Environmental Engineering (B.S.Env.E.)
Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering (B.S.M.E.)
Bachelor of Science in Nursing (B.S.N.)
Bachelor of Social Work (B.S.W.)
Graduation Requirements
Undergraduate Application for Graduation
Summary of Graduation Requirements
Commencement Ceremonies
Two Degrees
Degree Program for Pre-professional Students
Outstanding Scholarship Recognition
Undergraduate Certificates
Colleges and Departments
Interdisciplinary Studies
Administration, B.A.A., B.S.
African and African Diaspora Studies, Undergraduate Certificate
American Indian Studies, Undergraduate Certificate
Community Development Option, B.S.
Cultural Competency, Undergraduate Certificate
East Asian Studies, Undergraduate Certificate
Earth Science Minor, B.S. in Ed., Secondary Standard Certificate
English as a Second Language Minor, B.S. in Ed., Standard Certificate (ECE or Secondary)
Environmental Health and Safety Major, B.A., B.S.
Fermentation Science, Undergraduate Certificate (on hiatus)
Game Design Thinking Minor, B.A., B.A.A., B.S.
Individualized Studies Major, B.I.S.
Integrated Science Major, B.S. in Ed., Secondary Standard Certificate
Integrative Public Relations Major, B.A.; B.A.A.; B.S.
Latin American and Latino Studies, Undergraduate Certificate
Leadership Minor, B.A.; B.A.A.; B.F.A.; B.S.; and B.S. in B.A.
Multimedia Design Minor, B.A., B.A.A, B.S.
Museum Studies Minor, B.A.; B.A.A.; B.F.A.; B.S.; and B.S. in B.A.
Music Theatre Major, B.F.A.
Neuroscience Major: Cellular and Molecular Neuroscience Concentration, B.S.
Neuroscience Major: Clinical Health Neuroscience Concentration, B.S.
Organizational Leadership Major, B.A.A.; B.S.
Social Science Major, B.A.; B.S.
Social Studies Major: Geography Concentration 6-12, B.S. in Ed., Secondary Standard Certificate
Social Studies Major: Political Science Concentration 6-12, B.S. in Ed., Secondary Standard Certificate
Women and Gender Studies Minor, B.A.; B.A.A.; B.S.; B.S. in B.A.
Interdepartmental Majors and Minors
Teaching Grades PK-3 Major, B.S.Ed. (Standard Certificate, ECE)
Teaching Grades PK-3 with Special Education Major, B.S.Ed. (Standard Certificate, ECE)
Advertising Minor, B.A.; B.A.A.; B.S.; and B.S. in B.A.
Disability Studies and Community Inclusion Minor, B.A., B.A.A., B.S.
Public Affairs Minor, B.A.; B.S.; B.A.A.
Interdepartmental and Interdisciplinary majors and minors in the College of Business Administration
College of the Arts and Media
Art and Design (ART)
Art Major: Animation Concentration, B.F.A.
Art Major: Graphic Design Concentration, B.F.A.
Art Major: Studio Concentration, B.F.A.
Art Major: Animation Concentration, B.A.A.
Art Major: Studio Concentration, B.A.A.
Art History Major, B.A.
Art History Minor, B.A.; B.A.A.; B.F.A.; B.S.
Art Minor, B.A.; B.A.A.; B.F.A.; B.S.
Broadcast and Cinematic Arts, School of
Broadcast and Cinematic Arts Major, B.A.; B.A.A.; B.S.
Cinema Arts Major, B.F.A.
Broadcast and Cinematic Arts Minor, B.A.; B.A.A.; B.F.A.; B.S.
Broadcast and Cinematic Arts Minor, Available on B.S. in B.A. degree only
Cinema Studies Minor, B.A.; B.A.A.; B.S.
Corporate Video, Undergraduate Certificate
Communication, Department of
Communication Major and Minors
Communication Major, B.A.; B.A.A.; B.S.
Communication Minor, B.A.; B.A.A.; B.S.; B.S. in B.A.
Health Communication Minor
Professional Communication and Presentation Skills, Undergraduate Certificate
Journalism, Department of
Journalism Major, B.A.; B.A.A.; B.S.
Journalism Major: Public Relations Concentration, B.A.; B.A.A.; B.S.
Photojournalism Major, B.A.; B.A.A.; B.S.
Advertising Major, B.A.; B.A.A., B.S.
Social Media, Undergraduate Certificate (on hiatus)
Journalism Minor, B.A.; B.A.A.; B.F.A.; B.S.; B.S. in B.A.
Music, School of
Bachelor of Music Education
Music Education: Instrumental Option, B.Mus.Ed.
Music: Instrumental Minor
Music Education: Choral Option, B.Mus.Ed.
Music: Choral Minor
Music Education: General Music Option, B.Mus.Ed.
Music: General Music Minor
Bachelor of Music Degree
Music: Composition, B.Mus.
Music: Orchestral Instruments, B.Mus.
Music: Piano, B.Mus.
Music: Voice, B.Mus.
Bachelor of Arts or Bachelor of Science or Bachelor of Applied Arts Degree
Commercial Music Major, B.A.A.
Music Major, B.A.; B.S.
Music Minor
Songwriting Minor, B.A., B.A.A., B.S., B.Mus., B.F.A.
Theatre and Dance, Department of
Theatre and Interpretation Majors and Minors
Theatre and Interpretation Major: Design/Technical Theatre Concentration, B.F.A.
Theatre and Interpretation Major: Acting/Directing Concentration, B.F.A.
Theatre and Interpretation Major, B.A.; B.A.A.; B.S.
Theatre and Interpretation Minor, B.A.; B.S.; B.A.A.
Dance Major and Minor
Dance Studies Major, B.A.A.
Dance Minor, B.A.; B.S.
College of Business Administration
Interdepartmental and Interdisciplinary Majors and Minors
Business Administration Minor, B.A.; B.A.A.; B.F.A.; B.S.
International Business Major, B.S. in B.A.
Law and Economics Major, B.A., B.S.
Law and Economics Major, B.S. in B.A.
Purchasing and Supply Management Major, B.S. in B.A.
Accounting, School of
Accounting Major, B.S. in B.A.
Accounting Minor, B.A.; B.A.A.; B.F.A; B.S.; B.S. in B.A.
Business Information Systems, Department of
General Business Administration Major: Applied Business Communication Concentration, B.S. in B.A.
Information Systems Major, B.S. in B.A.
Information Systems Minor, B.A., B.A.A., B.F.A., B.S., B.S. in B.A.
Applied Business Communication Minor, B.A., B.A.A., B.F.A., B.S., B.S. in B.A.
Cybersecurity, Undergraduate Certificate
Economics, Department of
Economics Major, B.A.; B.S.
Economics Major, B.S. in B.A.
Economics Minor, B.A.; B.A.A.; B.S.
Economics Minor, B.S. in B.A.
Entrepreneurship, Department of
Entrepreneurship Major, B.A.A.
Entrepreneurship Minor, B.A., B.A.A., B.F.A., B.S., and B.S. in B.A.
Entrepreneurial Studies, Undergraduate Certificate
Finance and Law, Department of
Finance Major, B.S. in B.A.
Personal Financial Planning Major, B.S. in B.A.
Real Estate: Development and Finance Major, B.S. in B.A.
Finance Minor, B.A.; B.A.A.; B.S.; B.F.A.; B.S. in B.A.
Legal Studies Minor, B.A.; B.A.A.; B.F.A.; B.S.; B.S. in B.A.
Real Estate: Development and Finance Minor, B.A., B.A.A., B.F.A., B.S., B.S. in B.A.
Management, Department of
General Management Major, B.S. in B.A.
Human Resource Management Major, B.S. in B.A.
Management Minor, B.S. in B.A.
Management Minor, B.A.; B.A.A.; B.F.A.; B.S.
Marketing and Hospitality Services Administration, Department of
Hospitality Services Administration Major: Hospitality Services Concentration, B.S. in B.A.
Logistics Management Major, B.S. in B.A.
Marketing Major, B.S. in B.A.
Marketing Major: Professional Sales Concentration, B.S. in B.A.
Hospitality Services Administration Minor, B.A.; B.A.A.; B.F.A.; B.S.; B.S. in B.A.
Marketing Minor, B.A.; B.A.A.; B.F.A.; B.S.; B.S. in B.A.
Professional Sales Minor, B.A.; B.A.A.; B.S.; B.S. in B.A.
College of Education and Human Services
Counseling, Educational Leadership, and Higher Education, Department of
Fashion, Interior Design, and Merchandising, Department of
Fashion Merchandising and Design
Fashion Merchandising and Design Major: Fashion Design and Fashion Merchandising Concentrations, B.A.; B.A.A.; B.S.
Fashion Design Minor, B.A.; B.A.A.; B.F.A.; B.S.; B.S. in B.A.
Visual Merchandising Minor, B.A.; B.A.A.; B.F.A.; B.S.; B.S. in B.A.
Fashion Merchandising and Design Major: Visual Merchandising and Product Development Concentrations, B.A.A., B.S.
Interior Design
Interior Design Major, B.A.; B.A.A.; B.S.
Interior Design Minor, B.A.; B.A.A.; B.S.; B.F.A.; B.S. in B.A.
Human Development and Family Studies, Department of
Human Development and Family Studies
Child Development Major, B.A.; B.A.A.; B.S.
Child Development Minor, B.A., B.A.A., B.S.
Early Childhood Development and Learning Major, B.A., B.A.A., B.S.
Family Studies Major, B.A.; B.A.A.; B.S.
Family Studies Minor, B.A.; B.A.A.; B.S.; B.S. in B.A.
Teaching Early Childhood, B-K & Early Childhood Special Education Major, B.S.Ed., (Standard Certificate, ECE)
Teaching Early Childhood, B-3 & Early Childhood Special Education Major, B.S.Ed. (Standard Certificate, ECE)
Early Childhood Development and Learning Minor, B.S. in Ed., Standard Elementary Certificate
Recreation, Parks, and Leisure Services Administration, Department of
Recreation Major: Outdoor and Environmental Recreation Concentration, B.A.; B.A.A.; B.S.
Recreation Major: Recreation and Event Management Concentration, B.A.; B.A.A.; B.S.
Recreation Major: Recreation Therapy Concentration, B.A.; B.A.A.; B.S.
Event Management Minor, B.A., B.A.A., B.S., B.S. in B.A.
Outdoor and Environmental Education Minor, B.A.; B.A.A.; B.S.
Recreation Minor, B.A.; B.A.A.; B.S.
Teacher and Special Education, Department of
Special Education Major: Teachers of Students with Cognitive Impairment, B.S. in Ed., Standard Certificate (ECE) or B.S. in Ed., Standard Secondary Certificate
Special Education Major: Teachers of Students with Emotional Impairment, B.S. in Ed., Standard Certificate (ECE) or B.S. in Ed., Standard Certificate (Secondary)
Teaching Grades 3-6 Major, B.S.Ed. (Standard Certificate, ECE)
Teaching Grades PK-6 Major, B.S.Ed. (Standard Certificate, ECE)
The Herbert H. and Grace A. Dow College of Health Professions
Communication Sciences and Disorders, Department of
Communication Sciences and Disorders Major, B.A.A.; B.S.
Communication Sciences and Disorders Minor, B.A.; B.A.A.; B.S.
American Sign Language Minor, B.A.; B.A.A.; B.S.
Deaf and Hard-of-Hearing Studies, Undergraduate Certificate
School of Health Sciences, School of
Health Administration Major, B.A.A.; B.S.
Exercise Science Major (Clinical Exercise Option, Health Fitness Option or Kinesiology Option), B.A., B.A.A., B.S.
Public Health Education Major, B.A., B.A.A., B.S.
Public Health Minor, B.A.; B.A.A.; B.S.
Health Fitness Minor, B.A., B.A.A., B.S., and B.S.A.T.
Substance Use Disorders Minor, B.A.; B.A.A.; B.S.
Physical Education and Sport, Department of
Health and Physical Education Major, B.S. in Ed., Standard Secondary Certificate
Physical Activity Specialist Major, B.A.; B.A.A.; B.S.
Sport Management Major, B.A.; B.A.A.; B.S.;
Sport Management Minor, B.A.; B.S.; B.A.A.; B.S. in B.A.
Athletic Coaching Minor, B.A.; B.S.; B.A.A.
Physical Therapy, Department of
Rehabilitation and Medical Sciences, School of
Athletic Training Major, B.S.A.T.
Nursing Major, B.S.N.
Foods and Nutrition
Dietetics Major, B.A.; B.S.
Nutrition Minor, B.A.; B.A.A.; B.F.A.; B.S.; B.S. in B.A.
College of Liberal Arts and Social Sciences
Deafblind Intervener, Undergraduate Certificate
English Language and Literature, Department of
Majors and Minors
English Major, B.S. in Ed., Standard Secondary Certificate
English Minor, B.S. in Ed., Standard Secondary Certificate
English Literatures, Language, and Writing Major, B.A.; B.S.
English Minor, B.A.; B.A.A.; B.F.A.; B.S.; B.S. in B.A.
Creative Writing, Undergraduate Certificate
History, World Languages, and Cultures, Department of
History Major, B.A., B.S.
History Major, B.S. in Education, Standard Secondary Certificate
Public History Major, B.A. and B.S.
History Minor, Non-Teaching; B.A.; B.A.A.; B.S.; B.S. in B.A.
History Minor, Teaching Secondary; B.S. in Ed., Standard Secondary Certificate
World Languages and Cultures
French Language
French Major, B.A.; B.S.
French Minor, B.A.; B.S.
German Language
German Major, B.A.; B.S.
German Minor, B.A.; B.S.
Spanish Language
Spanish Major, B.A.; B.S.
Spanish Minor, B.A.; B.S.
Translation (English and Spanish), Undergraduate Certificate
Military Science and Leadership, Department of
Military Science Minor, B.A.; B.A.A.; B.S.; B.S. in B.A.
Philosophy, Anthropology and Religion, Department of
Anthropology Major, B.A.; B.S.
Anthropology Minor, B.A.; B.A.A.; B.S.; B.S. in B.A.
Philosophy Major, B.A.; B.S.
Philosophy Minor, B.A.; B.A.A.; B.S.; B.S. in B.A.
Intergroup Relations and Justice Minor, B.A., B.A.A., B.S.
Ethics, Values, and Society Minor, B.A.; B.A.A.; B.S.; B.S. in B.A.
Critical Reasoning, Undergraduate Certificate
Religion Major, B.A.; B.S.
Religion Minor, B.A.; B.A.A.; B.S.; B.S. in B.A.
Politics, Society, Justice, and Public Service, School of
Politics and Public Service
Political Science Major, B.A.; B.S.
Political Science Minor, B.A.; B.A.A.; B.S.
International Relations Major, B.A.; B.S.
Public and Nonprofit Administration Major, B.A.; B.S.
Public Administration Minor, B.A.; B.A.A.; B.S.
Citizen Engagement, Undergraduate Certificate
Global Governance and Advocacy, Undergraduate Certificate
Governance of Nations, Undergraduate Certificate
International Non-Governmental Organization (NGO) Administration, Undergraduate Certificate
International Security Studies, Undergraduate Certificate
Lawmaking and Legal Processes, Undergraduate Certificate
Political Advocacy and Elections, Undergraduate Certificate
Public and Social Entrepreneurship, Undergraduate Certificate
Public Policy Analysis, Undergraduate Certificate
Sociology Majors and Minors
Sociology Major, B.A.; B.S.
Sociology Major: Social and Criminal Justice Concentration, B.A.; B.S.
Sociology Major: Youth Studies Concentration, B.A.; B.S.
Sociology Minor, B.A.; B.A.A.; B.S.; B.S. in B.A.
Youth Studies Minor, B.A.; B.S.; B.A.A.; B.S. in B.A., B.S.W.
Social Work
Social Work Major, B.S.W.
Psychology, Department of
Psychology Major, B.A.; B.S.
Psychology Major: Business Concentration , B.A.; B.S.
Psychology Major: Mental Health Concentration , B.A.; B.S.
Psychology Minor, B.A.; B.A.A.; B.F.A.; B.S.; B.S. in B.A.
College of Science and Engineering
Biology, Department of
Non-Teaching Majors and Minors
Biology Major: Biomedical, Cellular, and Molecular Concentration, B.A., B.S.
Biology Major: Ecology, Evolution, and Conservation Concentration, B.A., B.S.
Biology Major: Microscopy Concentration, B.A., B.S.
Biology Minor, B.A., B.A.A., B.S.
Biological Analytics Minor, B.A., B.A.A., B.S.
Science Minor, B.A.; B.S.; B.S. in B.A.
Teaching Majors and Minors
Biology Major, B.S. in Ed., Standard Secondary Certificate
Biology Minor, B.S. in Ed., Standard Secondary Certificate
Chemistry and Biochemistry, Department of
Chemistry Major: General Chemistry Concentration, B.A.; B.S.
Chemistry Major: Chemical Technology Concentration, B.A.; B.S.
Chemistry Major: Environmental Chemistry Concentration, B.A.; B.S.
Chemistry Major: Materials Chemistry Concentration, B.A.; B.S.
Chemistry Major, B.S. in Education, Standard Secondary Certificate
Biochemistry Major, B.A. and B.S.
Chemistry Minor, B.A.; B.A.A.; B.S.
Chemistry Minor, B.S. in Ed., Standard Secondary Certificate
Computer Science, Department of
Computer Science Major, B.S.
Information Technology Major, B.A.; B.S.
Computer Science Minor
Data Engineering Minor, B.A., B.A.A., B.S.
Information Technology Minor, B.A.; B.A.A.; B.F.A.; B.S. in B.A.; B.S.
Earth and Atmospheric Sciences, Department of
Geology Major, B.S.
Meteorology Major, B.S.
Environmental Science Major, B.S.
Environmental Analytics Minor, B.S.
Geology Minor, B.A.; B.A.A.; B.S.
Environmental Science Minor, B.A., B.A.A., B.S.
Engineering and Technology, School of
Engineering Majors
Computer Engineering Major, B.S.Cmp.E.
Electrical Engineering Major, B.S.E.E.
Environmental Engineering Major, B.S.Env.E.
Mechanical Engineering Major, B.S.M.E.
Engineering Technology Majors
Industrial Engineering Technology Major, B.S.E.T.
Mechanical Engineering Technology Major, B.S.E.T.
Product Design Engineering Technology Major, B.S.E.T.
Industrial Technology Minor, B.A.; B.A.A.; B.S.; B.S. in B.A.
Geography and Environmental Studies, Department of
Geography Major, B.A.; B.S.
Geography Major: Geographic Information Science (GISCI) Concentration, B.A.; B.S.
Geography Major: Urban and Community Planning Concentration, B.A.; B.S.
Environmental Studies Major, B.A. and B.S.
Cartographic Design, Undergraduate Certificate
Environmental Justice, Undergraduate Certificate
Geography Minor, B.A.; B.A.A.; B.S.; B.S. in B.A.
Geographic Information Sciences (GISci) Minor, B.A.; B.A.A.; B.S.
Geospatial Analytics Minor, B.A., B.A.A., B.S.
Sustainability and Environmental Policy Minor, B.A., B.S., B.A.A.
Mathematics, Department of
Mathematics Major, B.A.; B.S.
Mathematics Major: Applied Mathematics Concentration, B.A.; B.S.
Mathematics Major: Pure Mathematics Concentration, B.A.; B.S.
Mathematics Major, B.S. in Ed., Standard Secondary Certificate
Computational Mathematics and Analytics Minor, B.A.; B.S.
Mathematics Minor, B.S. in Ed., Standard Secondary Certificate
Mathematics Minor, B.A.; B.S.
Notes on Double Counting
Physics, Department of
Physics Major, B.A., B.S.
Astronomy and Astrophysics Major, B.A., B.S.
Physics Major, B.S. in Education, Standard Secondary Certificate
Physics Minor (Non-Teaching), B.S., B.A.
Physics Minor (Teaching), B.S. in Ed., Standard Secondary Certificate
Statistics, Actuarial and Data Sciences, Department of
Statistics Major, B.A.; B.S.
Actuarial Science Major, B.A.; B.S.
Data Science Major, B.S.
Actuarial and Risk Analytics Minor, B.A., B.S.
Statistics Minor, B.A.; B.A.A.; B.S.; B.S. in B.A.
Notes on Double Counting
Academic Background
Freshman Admission
Transfer Admission
College Transfer Agreements
Returning Undergraduate Students
Non-Degree Guest Admission
Non-Degree Special Admission
Dual High School Enrollment
Senior Citizen Program
Undergraduate Certificates
International Student Admission
Graduate Admission
Student Support Services and Resources
Academic Services and Resources
Academic Departmental Advising
Academic Planning
Career Development Center
Certified Testing Center
First-Year Experience
Office of Global Engagement
The Honors Program
Sarah R. Opperman Leadership Institute
Military and Veterans Services
Student Academic Division Complaint Tracking Procedures
Student Disability Services
Office of Student Success
Academic Advising and Assistance
Academic Support
McNair Scholars Program
MI Gear Up Program
Pathways to Academic Student Success
CMU TRIO Detroit
Testing and Diagnostic Services
University Ombuds Office
University Libraries
University Services and Resources
Bovee University Center
Office of Civil Rights and Institutional Equity
CMU Police
CMU Student Health Services
Counseling Center
Diversity and Inclusion
Information Technology
Living on Campus
Printing Services/Copy Centers
Residence Life Care Advocate Program
Division of Student Affairs
Student Enrichment
University Ombuds Office
University Recreation (URec)
Varsity Athletics
Off-Campus and Online Programs (Global Campus)
Policies and General Information
General Information
Academic Overview
Accreditation, Assessment, and Faculty
Faculty and Staff
Administrative Staff 2022
Emeriti Faculty and Staff 2022
Faculty 2022
Senior Officers 2022
CMU - A Brief History
CMU Today
Graduate Studies
University Calendar
Vision, Mission, Values, and Strategic Plan
Financial Information
Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act
Military and Veteran Information
Tuition and Fees
Resident Status Policy
Financial Debt and Involuntary Withdrawal
Scholarships and Financial Aid
Applying For Financial Aid
Financial Aid Eligibility: General Requirements
Determination of Financial Need
Independent Status
Parental Contribution
Student Contribution
The Student’s Financial Aid Offer
Sources of Aid
Merit Scholarships
Talent Scholarships
External Scholarships
International President's Award
Employment for Students
Loan Programs
Other Sources of Financial Aid
Satisfactory Academic Progress toward your Degree
Statement of Student Financial Aid
Endowed Scholarships and Awards
Global Campus Annual Awards
Academic Policies and Information
Academic Dishonesty
Policy on Academic Integrity
Accommodation of Religious Obligations
Class Attendance
Classification of Students
CMU Online Courses
Code of Student Rights, Responsibilities and Disciplinary Procedures
1. Preamble
2. Student Rights
3. Responsibilities of Students
4. Official University Sanctions
5. Student Hearing Procedures for Charged Violation of Student Conduct Regulations
Courses of Unspecified Content or Variable Credit
Curriculum and Course Changes
Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act
Foreign Language Placement/Retroactive Credit
Full-Time Status
Global Campus Information
Misrepresentation of Affiliation with the University
Missed Class Policy
Non-Degree Courses
Official Transcript Requests
Opportunities for the Superior Student
Options for Earning Credit
Undergraduate Transfer Credit Policy
Credit by Examination
Prior Learning Assessment Credit
Advanced Standing
Advanced Placement
College-Level Examination Program (CLEP)
International Baccalaureate
The Seal of Biliteracy
Policy Requiring a Signed Major by Completion of 56 Credit Hours - Main Campus
Requirements for Athletic Participation
Standards Leading to Teacher Certification
Student Bereavement Policy
Student Records
Student Short-Term Military Service Policy
Students Who Move - Global Campus
Undergraduate Academic Probation, Suspension, Dismissal, and Reinstatement Policies and Procedures
Undergraduate Credit/No Credit Policy
Undergraduate Repeat Course Policy
Withdrawals from all Classes (Complete Semester Withdrawals)
Withdrawing from a Class After Drop/Add Period
Updates and Corrections to the 22-23 Undergraduate Bulletin