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Bachelor of Music Education

Completion of this degree will qualify a student for recommendation to the State Board for a Secondary Standard Certificate, which will permit the holder to teach music in grades K-12.

Admission Requirements, Retention & Termination Standards

Admission as a Music Major or Minor

Admission to all music majors and minors requires a successful performance audition and passage of a basic musicianship examination. If a student does not pass the basic musicianship examination, passage of the examination at a later date will fulfill the requirement. A student who has not been accepted into the Music Program may be denied access to music core courses. Further information concerning admission as a music major or minor (including audition dates, appropriate repertoire, and study guides for the basic musicianship examination) is available in the School of Music office, or online at

Admission to Music Candidacy

Prior to enrolling in classes above 200 level, a student must apply to the School of Music Office for admission to Music Candidacy. Admission to this program will allow a student access to music study at the 300 level and above. Requirements for admission include signed authorizations appropriate to a student’s curriculum, passage of a 300 level performance examination on the appropriate instrument, and completion of all 100 and 200 level MUS classes required for the degree with a grade of “C” or better. Tentative admission will be granted if it is clear from the application that it is possible to remove all deficiencies within one academic year. Such tentative admission will be reviewed at the end of that period and access to courses 300 level and above will be revoked if requirements remain unfulfilled. It is the student’s responsibility to document the fulfillment of all admission requirements. Applications for admission to Music Candidacy are available in the School of Music office.

Additional Requirements for Music Majors and Minors

Music major and minors on all degree programs must receive a grade of “C” or better in each required MUS course. Credit/No Credit grades are not acceptable on music majors and minors.

Music majors on degrees leading to teaching certification must have completed at least 15 hours of music courses at the 300 level or above including at least two semesters of 300 level applied study in order to student teach. In addition, these students must have a grade of “C+” or better in the following music methods courses in order to graduate: MUS 144, MUS 146, MUS 230, MUS 244, MUS 246, MUS 280, MUS 331, MUS 333, MUS 344, MUS 381, MUS 382, MUS 431, MUS 433, MUS 435, MUS 531, MUS 533, MUS 534.

Requirements for Bachelor of Music Education

All students pursuing this degree should see the section on Admission to Teacher Education Programs.

In order to complete this degree a student must complete either the General Music, Instrumental or Choral option. These options require both a major and minor in music. Neither the majors nor the minors are available except on this degree and in the combination below.

A minimum 2.7 GPA (B-) must be earned in all teaching majors and minors.