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University Libraries

Kathy Irwin, Dean

The University Library in the Charles V. Park Library building offers a wide range of resources and services in support of CMU students, faculty, and staff. Its collections contain more than 800,000 print books, 900,000 electronic books, 250 databases, access to the full-text content of 150,000 journals, and more than 125,000 multimedia items. Electronic collections are accessible around the clock from both on and off campus. The University Library is a government document depository library, providing access to items published by the United States Government and the State of Michigan. Items not owned by the library may be obtained from other institutions through the library’s Documents on Demand service.

More than just a collection of materials, the University Library provides a wide array of library services. Librarians are available to assist students, faculty, and staff with research projects and to help users effectively access information. Users may consult with a librarian in person, by email, chat, or telephone. The librarians also provide formal, course-specific library instruction to classes upon request by a faculty member. 

More than 275 computer workstations, including both Windows and Macs, are available within the building, and wireless access is available for personal laptops and mobile devices. Printers, photocopiers, and scanners are also available. A variety of study spaces exist, including open study tables and carrels, individual study rooms, group study rooms, and collaborative study areas. During the fall and spring semesters, the main library is open more than 100 hours per week and an extended-hours study space is available 24/7. Building hours are shorter during break weeks and the summer semester.

Academic support services located in the Park Library include the Writing Center, the Mathematics Assistance Center, the Statistical Consulting Center, Student Disability Services, the IT Help Desk, the Certified Testing Center, and the Curriculum and Instructional Support office. 

Students enrolled in CMU’s online and off-campus programs have full access to the library’s services and resources. Librarians will provide virtual research assistance and instruction to online and off campus classes. Documents on Demand will deliver electronic and print materials to students upon request.

For more information about the library, visit us online at or call 989-774-1100.

Clarke Historical Library

Clarke Historical Library collects print and manuscript items related to Michigan and the Old Northwest Territory. The Library’s holdings include more than 87,000 printed items, 5,100 manuscript collections, 12,500 reels of microfilm, 16,000 visual images, and 2,300 maps documenting all aspects of life in Michigan. In addition to this main area of concern, Clarke Historical Library has also developed a variety of “special” collections. These include the Lucile Clarke Memorial Children’s Library, one of the finest collections of children’s literature in the country, the Class of 1967 Presidential Campaign Biographies collection, and a large collection of Native American material documenting the Anishinaabe people. The Library also serves as the Central Michigan University archives. Because of the uniqueness of the material in the Clarke Historical Library, items in the Library do not circulate and must be used in Clarke Historical Library’s reading room. Clarke Historical Library is open from 9:00 am - 5:00 pm on weekdays. Call 774-3864 for more information.

Clarke Historical Library was established in 1954 with the gift of 1,575 volumes from Dr. Norman E. Clarke Sr., who received his bachelor’s degree from Central in 1920. In subsequent years, Dr. Clarke Sr. supported the Library through the donation of a large number of books, the establishment of the Lucile M. Clarke Memorial Children’s Library, named in honor of his first wife, and the creation of an endowment to partially underwrite the Library’s ongoing needs. Dr. Clarke Sr. died in 1984 but his family continues to be actively engaged in the Library’s work.