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Academic Planning

Beginning Your Studies

Making Choices as a Student. You have many academic decisions to make – choosing your program and enrolling in courses that lead toward your degree. Students enrolled on the Mt. Pleasant campus are required to declare a major, or sign a statement of intent to major, by the time they earn 56 credit hours. For students who are exploring majors, the CMU University Program portion of the General Education Requirements provides exposure to many areas of study. The University Program is required of all students and is explained later in this Bulletin. While taking University Program classes, you receive a well-rounded educational experience, while fulfilling needed General Education Requirements for graduation.

Academic Schedule

Academic programs and course offerings at CMU are in a constant process of change and revision in response to advancements in knowledge, and to changing student needs and societal demands. In accordance with this process, academic programs and courses may be changed, deleted, or rescheduled. The time you will need to complete a degree depends on a number of areas: the academic load you will carry, whether or not you will attend summer sessions, and utilizing campus resources and services. You may complete a bachelor’s degree in less than four years or it may take you longer. Conditions producing high demand for certain courses and programs where resources are limited may require some students to take more than the estimated minimum amount of time to complete their programs. There may also be special requirements for certain degrees as well as major and minor programs.

You are urged to discuss your progress toward a degree periodically with your academic advisor as you continue your program of study at CMU.

Progress Toward Your Degree

Making use of academic advising and other services available on campus is strongly recommended. Academic advisors can help you clarify your plans, as well as help you plan the most efficient route toward your degree. You can also check your own progress on your Degree Progress at It is still important to see your advisor for assistance and verification of your progress.

Academic Load

The following is a typical academic load for a CMU undergraduate:

Semester/Session Typical Academic Load
Fall Semester 14 -18
Spring Semester 14 -18
3 weeks of Summer Session 3
6 weeks of Summer Session 5-7
12 weeks of Summer Session 12-14

A degree requires a minimum of 120 hours of credit. Some degrees and majors have minimums above 120. In order to graduate within four years with a degree, a student must average at least 30 hours of credit each year.

Abilities and circumstances of students vary greatly. Each student should carefully weigh these factors when deciding the number of hours to carry during a semester or session as well as the length of time to be expended in fulfilling requirements for a degree. Some students will carry lighter loads and take longer to fulfill the requirements. As a guideline, freshmen are advised to take no more than 15 hours of credit during the first semester on campus.

No undergraduate student will be permitted to be enrolled in more than 21 credits per semester. Exceptions may be granted with approval of the dean or dean's designee.’

Global Campus: No undergraduate student will be permitted to be enrolled in more than 21 credits during any of the following periods:

  • Spring (January-May)
  • Summer (May-August)
  • Fall (August-December)

Senate Policy: Amended on 4/22/03 to include restriction to 21 credits per semester. Editorially amended 3/21/18 to change mimimum hours to 120 and annual average to 30 for Senate-approved degrees with 120 minimum hours.

First Year (Freshman) (0-25 credit hours)

Meet with your Academic Advisor during your first semester to clarify requirements on the University Program, competencies, or any other questions you have encountered since academic orientation. They can assist you with your transition to campus and help you put successful strategies and goals in place.

At CMU, several advising services, classes, and self-assessment instruments are available to assist you in your academic and career decision making. Some suggestions include:

  • Talking to CMU advisors in academic departments, Academic Advising and Academic Assistance, or the Career Development Center regarding academic programs that interest you.
  • Considering taking CED 101 (1 credit) Career and Self Exploration.
  • Participating in various self assessment exercises designed to match your interests and abilities with academic and career opportunities. CMU offers the following personalized and computerized self assessment exercises: Focus Program and Strong Interest Inventory (see the Career Development Center website:

Keep these in mind if you are pursing one of the programs:


  • Contact Business Student Services (Grawn Hall 105, 989-774-3124) for information regarding the College of Business Administration or to schedule a meeting with a business advisor.

The Arts and Media (Art, Broadcast & Cinematic Arts, Communication, Journalism, Music):

  • Call 989-774-7506.

Health Professions:

  • Contact the College of Health Professions Student Service Center, 989-774-2315.

Liberal Arts and Social Sciences (English Language and Literature; History, World Languages, and Cultures; Military Science; Philosophy, Anthropology, and Religion; Politics, Society, Justice, and Public Service; Psychology:

  • Call 989-774-7506.

Pre-professional Studies (pre-law, pre-med, etc.):

  • Talk with the appropriate pre-professional advisor.


Science, Technology, Engineering, or Mathematics:

Second Year (Sophomore) (26-55 credit hours)

  • Continue your search for a major and/or minor.
  • If you have decided on your major and/or minor, consult with the appropriate departmental advisor(s) to declare the major/minor and define requirements for graduation.
  • Continue coursework on the University Program, competencies, and major/minor. Most competency requirements must be completed by 56 credit hours. Review your progress on completion of the University Program and competency requirements with your academic advisor.

Keep these in mind if you are pursing one of the programs:


  • Follow the procedures for admission to the Teacher Education Program.
  • Schedule an appointment with your academic advisor.
  • Visit the EHS Office of Educator Preparation Programs website at for admission information.


  • Complete the requirements for admission to the College of Business Administration outlined in the Undergraduate Bulletin.
  • Meet with a CBA advisor in Grawn Hall 105, 989-774-3124;

Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics:

Third Year (Junior) (56-85 credit hours)

  • Declare your major and/or minor in the appropriate department(s) if you have not done so.
  • Once you have declared your major and/or minor, schedule an advising appointment with the Academic Advisor in the college of your major. This person will review your individual courses and determine remaining degree requirements.
  • Register with the Career Development Center (Ronan Hall 250, 989-774-3068)
  • Apply for admission into an Accelerated Master’s Degree Program if applicable.

Keep these in mind if you are pursing one of the programs below:


  • If you have completed Cycle I, and if you plan to student teach during the following fall semester, apply for student teaching in January (see Standards Leading to Teacher Certification).
  • Follow the procedures for admission to the Teacher Education Program.
  • Schedule an appointment with your academic advisor.
  • Visit the EHS Office of Educator Preparation Programs website at for admission information.

Fourth Year (Senior) (86-120 credit hours)

  • Once you have earned 86 credit hours, apply for graduation through Degree Progress or the Registrar’s website. Questions about graduation can be addressed by the Registrar’s Office.
  • Complete graduation requirements as indicated on your Graduation Audit. Develop skills for your job search at the Career Development Center (Ronan Hall 250, 989-774-3068). Skill development workshops and information are available regarding job search techniques, interviewing skills, and portfolio development.
  • If you are interested in attending graduate school, you should talk to faculty members in the field you would like to pursue. They will have information on how to go about selecting, applying to, and preparing for graduate school. You may also contact Graduate Studies for information on all graduate programs available at CMU by visiting, sending an e-mail to, calling 989-774-1708, or visiting Graduate Student Services in Foust 100.

Special Notes for Transfer Students:

  • During your first semester, check with the Registrar’s Office to be sure that a final transcript from each of your previous colleges is on file.
  • If you have questions following orientation, meet with a general academic advisor or college advisor to review your transfer credit evaluation, University Program and competency requirements.
  • Review the above steps to verify your progress toward completion of all CMU degree requirements.