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Bachelor of Science in Environmental Engineering (B.S.Env.E.)

The four-year degree program in Bachelor of Science in Environmental Engineering (BSEnvE) provides students with the knowledge, skills and laboratory experiences needed to compete successfully in the high-tech sector of the job market, succeed in design and production occupations in the environmental sector, and contribute to society. The environmental engineering major provides both breadth and depth across the range of engineering topics in analysis and design of waste management facilities.

The BSEnvE program has established the following objectives for the accomplishments of our graduates in the first several years following graduation. They will:

  • have the technical knowledge and capabilities expected of a practicing engineer,
  • be able to apply engineering knowledge and be able to develop and evaluate alternative designs,
  • be able to use modern engineering tools for analysis, design, and communication,
  • have an ability to maintain professional competence through life-long learning, and
  • be able to delineate problems of society that require engineering treatments and provide practical and ethical solutions to the problems.

Program Requirements

General Education Requirements (30-42 hours)

See General Education Requirements.

Mathematics and Science Requirements (38-41 hours)


Required Courses I - Mathematics (12 hours)

MTH 132Calculus I


MTH 133Calculus II


MTH 233Calculus III



Required Courses II - Mathematics (3-6 hours)

Select one of the following options:

Option A
MTH 232Linear Algebra and Differential Equations


Option B
MTH 223Linear Algebra and Matrix Theory


MTH 334Differential Equations


Required Courses III - Statistics and Probability (3 hours)

STA 392Probability and Statistics for Engineers


Required Courses IV - Physics (9 hours)

PHY 145QRUniversity Physics I


PHY 146University Physics II


PHY 175University Physics Laboratory I


Required Courses V - Chemistry (5 hours)

CHM 161Principles of Chemistry


Required Courses VI - Biology (3 hours)

BIO 105QRIntroductory Quantitative Biology


Required Courses VII - Geology (3 hours)

GEL 130Sustainable Earth: Geology for the 21st Century


Specialized Studies (63 hours)

Major in Environmental Engineering

Minor is optional.


The number of electives will vary depending upon the requirements for the degree and major.

Minimum Totals for Graduation: 131 hours

  • To graduate from CMU, you must complete a minimum of 120 hours, at least 40 of which must be in courses numbered 300 or above. Please note: the combination of some majors and minors may require more than 120 hours for graduation.
  • No more than a total of 27 hours may be taken from the College of Business Administration and counted towards graduation.
  • You should read the requirements for graduation in this Bulletin for a complete description.
  • Note: Those who fail to submit CLEP or AP credit (for ENG 101) and pass the oral competency examination (for COM 101) will need to complete a minimum of 126 hours.