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General Education Program Requirements
Majors, Minors, Certificates, and Pre-Professional Studies
Graduation Requirements
AAD - Academic Advancement
ACC - Accounting
ACT - Actuarial Science
ANT - Anthropology
ARA - Arts Administration
ARB - Arabic
ART - Art
ASL - American Sign Language
AST - Astronomy
ATR - Athletic Training
AUD - Audiology
BIO - Biology
BIS - Business Information Systems
BLR - Business Law and Regulation
BUS - Business
CDE - Planned Experience
CED - Counselor Educ & Personal Develop
CGL - Cultural and Global Studies
CHM - Chemistry
CHN - Chinese
CJM - Communication, Journalism, and Media
COM - Communication
CPS - Computer Science
CRM - Cultural Resource Management
CSD - Communication Sciences & Disorders
DAN - Dance
DAS - Data Science
DBI - Deaf Blind Intervener
ECO - Economics
EDL - Educational Leadership
EDU - Teacher Education
EGR - Engineering
EGT - Engineering Technology
ELI - English Language Institute
ENG - English Language and Literature
ENS - Environmental Science
ENT - Entrepreneurship
ENV - Environmental Studies
ESC - Earth Science
FIN - Finance
FLN - Foreign Language
FMD - Fashion Merchandising & Design
FRN - French
FYE - First Year Experience
GAM - Game Design Thinking
GEL - Geology
GEO - Geography
GER - German
GRK - Greek
GRN - Gerontology
HDF - Human Development & Family Studies
HED - Higher Education
HNS - Environmental Health and Safety
HOA - Hotel Administration
HON - Honors
HPE - Health and Physical Education
HPS - Health Professions
HSA - Hospitality Services Admin
HSC - Health Sciences
HST - History
HUM - Humanities
IET - Industrial & Engineering Tech
IGR - Intergroup Relations and Justice
IND - Interior Design
IPR - Integrative Public Relations
IPS - International Program Studies
ITC - Information Technology
JPN - Japanese
JRN - Journalism
LAR - Liberal Arts
LAS - Leadership Advancement Scholarship
LAT - Latin
LDR - Leadership Studies
LIB - Library
MAR - Marine Science
MBA - Master of Business Administration
MCA - Media and Cinematic Arts
MET - Meteorology
MGT - Management
MKT - Marketing
MLE - Middle Level Education
MMD - Multimedia Design
MSA - Master of Science in Admin
MSL - Military Science and Leadership
MST - Museum Studies
MTH - Mathematics
MUS - Music
NDS - Nutrition and Dietetics
NSC - Neuroscience
NUR Nursing
OJB - Ojibwe
PAD - Public and Nonprofit Admin
PED - Sports Instruct Progrm (Activity)
PES - Physical Educ Professional Crses
PHL - Philosophy
PHS - Physical Science
PHY - Physics
POR - Portugese
PSC - Political Science
PSY - Psychology
REL - Religion
RLA - Recreation and Leisure Activities
RPL - Recr, Parks, & Leisure Serv Admin
SAM - Science of Advanced Materials
SCI - Sciences
SEP - Sustainability and Environ Policy
SOC - Sociology
SPE - Special Education
SPN - Spanish
SSC - Social Sciences
STA - Statistics
STC - Strategic Communication
SWK - Social Work
TAI - Theatre and Interpretation
TEL - Teaching English Learners
UNV - Prior Learning
WGS - Women and Gender Studies
Colleges and Departments
Student Support Services and Resources
Innovation and Online
Policies and General Information
Updates and Corrections to the 25-26 Undergraduate Bulletin
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2025-2026 Undergraduate Bulletin
> EDU - Teacher Education
EDU - Teacher Education
EDU 107
Exploring Education: Teaching as a Profession
EDU 210
Adolescent Development and Learning for Teachers
EDU 255
Designing Learning Environments
EDU 293
Educational Psychology for Elementary Education
EDU 325
Middle Level and High School Teaching Methods
EDU 330
Foundations of Reading Instruction
EDU 335
Early Literacy
EDU 342
Word Study and Fluency: PK-3
EDU 355
Developing Effective Teaching Practices
Interdisciplinary Methods and Pre-Student Teaching (Math & Literacy, PK-6)
Interdisciplinary Methods and Pre-Student Teaching
EDU 432
Student Teaching Seminar
EDU 433
Global Education Field Experience
EDU 450
Disciplinary Literacy
EDU 455
Analyzing Teaching to Improve Student Learning
EDU 458
Student Teaching Internship
EDU 495
Foundations of Education
EDU 505
Diagnostic Literacy Assessments and Instruction: K-3
EDU 506
Principles and Techniques for Individualizing Instruction
EDU 508
Education Workshop
EDU 515
Managing Classrooms and Learning Environments
EDU 525
Early Childhood Education
EDU 528
Early Literacy and Struggling Readers
EDU 531
Assessment, Instruction, and Intervention
EDU 532
Reading in the Content Areas
EDU 533
Diagnosis and Treatment of Reading Difficulties
EDU 537
Knowledge of Diverse Readers, Including Dyslexia
EDU 538
Integrated Language Arts
EDU 540
Literacy Education: Theory and Practice
EDU 542
Integrating Reading, Writing, and Thinking
EDU 545
Literacy for Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Learners
EDU 566
Independent Study in Elementary Education
EDU 590
Foundations for Learning, Design, and Technology in Education
EDU 595
Digital and Media Literacy for Educators