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General Education Program Requirements
Majors, Minors, Certificates, and Pre-Professional Studies
Graduation Requirements
AAD - Academic Advancement
ACC - Accounting
ACT - Actuarial Science
ANT - Anthropology
ARA - Arts Administration
ARB - Arabic
ART - Art
ASL - American Sign Language
AST - Astronomy
ATR - Athletic Training
AUD - Audiology
BIO - Biology
BIS - Business Information Systems
BLR - Business Law and Regulation
BUS - Business
CDE - Planned Experience
CED - Counselor Educ & Personal Develop
CGL - Cultural and Global Studies
CHM - Chemistry
CHN - Chinese
CJM - Communication, Journalism, and Media
COM - Communication
CPS - Computer Science
CRM - Cultural Resource Management
CSD - Communication Sciences & Disorders
DAN - Dance
DAS - Data Science
DBI - Deaf Blind Intervener
ECO - Economics
EDL - Educational Leadership
EDU - Teacher Education
EGR - Engineering
EGT - Engineering Technology
ELI - English Language Institute
ENG - English Language and Literature
ENS - Environmental Science
ENT - Entrepreneurship
ENV - Environmental Studies
ESC - Earth Science
FIN - Finance
FLN - Foreign Language
FMD - Fashion Merchandising & Design
FRN - French
FYE - First Year Experience
GAM - Game Design Thinking
GEL - Geology
GEO - Geography
GER - German
GRK - Greek
GRN - Gerontology
HDF - Human Development & Family Studies
HED - Higher Education
HNS - Environmental Health and Safety
HOA - Hotel Administration
HON - Honors
HPE - Health and Physical Education
HPS - Health Professions
HSA - Hospitality Services Admin
HSC - Health Sciences
HST - History
HUM - Humanities
IET - Industrial & Engineering Tech
IGR - Intergroup Relations and Justice
IND - Interior Design
IPR - Integrative Public Relations
IPS - International Program Studies
ITC - Information Technology
JPN - Japanese
JRN - Journalism
LAR - Liberal Arts
LAS - Leadership Advancement Scholarship
LAT - Latin
LDR - Leadership Studies
LIB - Library
MAR - Marine Science
MBA - Master of Business Administration
MCA - Media and Cinematic Arts
MET - Meteorology
MGT - Management
MKT - Marketing
MLE - Middle Level Education
MMD - Multimedia Design
MSA - Master of Science in Admin
MSL - Military Science and Leadership
MST - Museum Studies
MTH - Mathematics
MUS - Music
NDS - Nutrition and Dietetics
NSC - Neuroscience
NUR Nursing
OJB - Ojibwe
PAD - Public and Nonprofit Admin
PED - Sports Instruct Progrm (Activity)
PES - Physical Educ Professional Crses
PHL - Philosophy
PHS - Physical Science
PHY - Physics
POR - Portugese
PSC - Political Science
PSY - Psychology
REL - Religion
RLA - Recreation and Leisure Activities
RPL - Recr, Parks, & Leisure Serv Admin
SAM - Science of Advanced Materials
SCI - Sciences
SEP - Sustainability and Environ Policy
SOC - Sociology
SPE - Special Education
SPN - Spanish
SSC - Social Sciences
STA - Statistics
STC - Strategic Communication
SWK - Social Work
TAI - Theatre and Interpretation
TEL - Teaching English Learners
UNV - Prior Learning
WGS - Women and Gender Studies
Colleges and Departments
Student Support Services and Resources
Innovation and Online
Policies and General Information
Updates and Corrections to the 25-26 Undergraduate Bulletin
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2025-2026 Undergraduate Bulletin
> HST - History
HST - History
Reconstructing the Past: An Introduction to the Study of History
HST 101
The Development of Western Civilization: From Ancient Times to 1700 A.D.
HST 102
The Development of Western Civilization: From 1700 to the Present
HST 106
Twentieth Century: Western World Issues
HST 110
The American Experience
HST 111
The Quest for Liberty: The United States to 1865
HST 112
The Struggle for Equality: The United States, 1865-Present
HST 120
Unlikely Princesses: Women of World History
HST 160
History of Game Design
HST 163
The Latin American Experience
HST 168
Modern East Asia
HST 176
The African Experience
HST 200
Medieval Civilization
HST 201
World History to 1500
HST 202
World History since 1400
HST 205
A History of Happiness
HST 210
United States History through Michigan Eyes
HST 215
The American Civil War: A House Divided
HST 216
The Contested "American" West
HST 221
Growing Up in America
Cherokees, Slaves and the Struggle for Racial Justice
HST 226
From Witch Trials to Women’s Liberation: Women in America
HST 228
American Business: A History
HST 236
Babylon and Beyond: Ancient Civilizations of the Near/Middle East
HST 237
Baghdad and Beyond: The Middle East from 600 C.E.
HST 238
Ancient Greece and Rome
HST 254
Women in European History
HST 255
Beyond Rosie the Riveter: Selected Topics on Women and Work in United States History
HST 260
Games, History, and Conflict
HST 280
Nazi Germany and the Holocaust
HST 297
Special Studies
HST 301
The Craft of History
HST 302
Comparative Environmental History
HST 303
The American Revolution
HST 312
American Military Experience
HST 315
The Vietnam War
HST 319
The United States since World War II
HST 320
United States Social History to 1865
HST 321
United States Social History since 1865
HST 323
History of Native Americans
HST 324
'Death is Better than Slavery': African American History to 1877
HST 325
'By Any Means Necessary': African American History, 1877-Present
HST 328
Technology in American History
HST 329
Film and the Politics of Gender, 1960-Present
HST 330
'We the People': U.S. Constitutional History
Time Travelers for Social Justice
HST 333
History of Michigan
HST 335
History of the Rock and Roll Era
HST 338
The Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire
HST 341
Renaissance and Reformation
HST 342
The Culture of Renaissance Italy (Study Abroad)
HST 343
History of Paris
HST 344
Modern Europe, 1815-1918
HST 345
Americans in Paris
HST 346
The World of Versailles: Power and the Politics of Splendor in 17th-Century France
HST 347
The French Revolution and Napoleonic Period
HST 350
English History to 1688: From Stonehenge to the Glorious Revolution
HST 353
Germany since 1870
HST 356
Europe Since 1945
HST 357
Keep Calm and Carry On: The Allied Homefront during WWII
HST 361
Sinners and Saints of Colonial Latin America
Revolutions in Latin America
HST 369
Traditional China
HST 370
Modern China
HST 375
Continuity and Change in Contemporary Africa, 1960s to the Present
HST 376
East/Central Africa: Issues
HST 379
Race, Class and Power: South Africa in the 20th Century
HST 397
Special Studies
HST 491
Independent Research
Research Seminar
HST 497
Special Studies
HST 498
Honors Thesis
HST 505
Tudor England
HST 511
Colonial British America
HST 513
Era of the Early Republic, 1789-1825
HST 515
Civil War and Reconstruction
HST 516
Resilience and Reform: Topics in the Gilded Age and Progressive Era, 1877-1920
HST 522
Great Lakes Indigenous History
HST 524
American Diplomatic History Since 1898
HST 526
Modern American Political Culture, 1865-Present
HST 532
Michigan History Studies
HST 537
The Age of Cicero
HST 542
The Enlightenment in Europe
HST 543
HST 558
Europe, 1914-1945
HST 560
Mind Games
HST 576
Colonialism in Africa, 1880s-1960s
HST 580
Public History
HST 581
Historic Preservation
HST 583
Archival Administration
HST 585
Oral History
HST 590
Readings in History
HST 595
Internship in Public History
HST 597
Special Studies