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Interdisciplinary Studies

Discover how to become a future leader and innovator through interdisciplinary studies.

Interdisciplinary programs draw from two or more academic disciplines that work together to create a powerful learning experience emphasizing integrative learning, critical thinking, essential questioning and creative problem solving.

Benefits of Interdisciplinary study:

  • Discover the value of integrating the study of various academic disciplines suited to your life-long learning interests.
  • Embrace new ideas that you couldn’t imagine while studying just one subject in isolation from others.
  • Become an interdisciplinary thinker who analytically and creatively embraces new and futuristic ideas.
  • Develop collaboration skills while working with others who have different perspectives on problems than yours.
  • Prepare for graduate and professional study, and for careers in new and emerging fields.

This section lists programs that are interdisciplinary. The majority of majors and minors are described within their appropriate departments.

Administration Major
Community Development Option
Earth Science Minor
Environmental Health and Safety Major
Game Design Thinking Minor
Leadership Minor
Multimedia Design Minor
Museum Studies Minor
Music Theatre Major
Neuroscience Major: Cellular and Molecular Neuroscience Concentration
Neuroscience Major: Clinical Health Neuroscience Concentration
Organizational Leadership Major
Public and Applied Liberal Arts Major
Social Science Major
Teaching English Learners Minor
Teaching Science Grades 5-12 Major
Teaching Social Studies Grades 5-12 Major
Teaching Social Studies Grades 5-9 Minor
Teaching Social Studies Grades 7-12 Minor
Women and Gender Studies Minor

Undergraduate Certificates are offered in the following disciplines:

African and African Diaspora Studies
Cultural Competency
East Asian Studies 
Integration of Science, Technology and Engineering (InSciTE)
Latin American and Latino Studies 
LGBTQ+ Studies