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Native American and Indigenous Studies, Undergraduate Certificate

College of Liberal Arts and Social Sciences

This 18-credit hour certificate is designed for degree-seeking students in any major and non-degree-seeking students who want to become more proficient in this in-depth area of global studies, an area of expertise sought after by businesses; local, state, and federal government agencies; nonprofit and nongovernmental (NGO) organizations; health care and social service professions; and any other workplace or setting that requires people to talk across cultural differences. Students will gain greater competency in their understanding of diverse Native American histories and cultures. The certificate will also help students gain greater and understanding and appreciation of current issues relevant to Native American people and steps Native Americans are taking to build and strengthen their communities.

Contact the Department of History, World Languages, and Cultures for more information.

18 credit hours from the following:

Program Requirements

Required Courses (9 hours)

ANT 320Native North American Cultures


ENG 328Native American Literature and Film


HST 323History of Native Americans


Electives (9 hours)

Select from the following:

ANT 175Archaeology of the Americas


ANT 240Current Native American Issues


OJB 101Elementary Ojibwe I


OJB 102Elementary Ojibwe II


SOC 323Racism and Inequality


Students pursuing this certificate may also complete 3 hours of independent readings or research in an appropriate discipline as an elective option with the approval of the advisor.

Courses selected for the certificate program must include a minimum of 9 hours at the 300-599 level.

Total: 18 semester hours