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Public and Applied Liberal Arts Major, B.A., B.A.A., B.S.

B.A. degree, B.S. degree, or B.A.A. degree

Major Map

Editor's note: Pending External Approval, this program will be updated. Contact an advisor for more information.

Advisors: Christi Brookes, JoEllen DeLucia, Desmond Harding, Guy Newland, Greg Smith

This is a transdisciplinary program that combines liberal arts courses with an applied field. The program will bring to bear the power and expertise of the liberal arts to solve problems in professional and public fields. Using key skills taught in the humanities and the social sciences (cross-cultural awareness, writing, public speaking, qualitative and quantitative analysis, research, storytelling, and textual analysis), students will work toward real-world problem-solving in their applied fields.

Admission Requirements, Retention & Termination Standards

To declare a major, students must meet with a Public and Applied Humanities faculty advisor.

Note: It is recommended that students select a minor or undergraduate certificate in consultation with their major advisor.


Program Requirements

Core Courses I: Introduction and Methods (6 hours)

LAR 200Introduction to the Public and Applied Liberal Arts


LAR 201The Creative Lab: Campus, City, Community


Core Courses II: Communication and Teamwork (6 hours)

LAR 250Storytelling for the Public Good


LAR 302Wicked Problems: Working toward the Public Good


Core Courses III: Capstone and Internship (6-9 hours)

LAR 401Capstone Seminar: Projects for the Public Good


LAR 495Internship in Public and Applied Liberal Arts


Electives: Humanities and Social Sciences (3 hours)

Select one elective in consultation with and approval by a PALA advisor.

Professional and Applied Option Courses (18 hours)

Select one of the following options:

Option 1: Resilient Communities (18 hours)

The six-class goal of the Resilient Environment option is to take liberal arts skills and apply them to key twenty-first-century environmental issues. As climates and environments change, the next generation of change makers will need to lead governments, business, and non-profits through how to respond, plan, and prepare human decision making for a changing environment.
ENV 101Introduction to Sustainability, Environment, and Society


ENV 310Environmental Management and Regulations


ENV 312Adapting To Our Changing Climate


GEO 105Physical Geography


GEO 325Resiliency of Socio-Ecological Systems


GEO 331Introductory Urban Planning


Option 2: Entrepreneurship (18 hours)

The Entrepreneurship track will enable students in the Public and Applied Liberal Arts degree to have the skill set to start their own ventures and explore topics pertaining to the financial side of running a business, legal issues relating to new ventures, and digital entrepreneurship.
Required Courses I (12 hours)
BUS 100Introduction to Business


ENT 200Introduction to Entrepreneurship


ENT 301Innovation & Entrepreneurship


ENT 495Venture Development


Required Courses II (6 hours)
Select two of the following:
BLR 202Legal Environment of Business


ENT 210Accounting Concepts for Entrepreneurs


ENT 213Economics for Entrepreneurs


ENT 221Marketing Strategies for Entrepreneurs


ENT 300Digital Entrepreneurship


ENT 320Financial Concepts and Entrepreneurial Ventures


ENT 420Legal Aspects of New Ventures


Total: 39-42 semester hours