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College of the Arts and Media

Jefferson Campbell, D.M.A., Dean

Jonathon Russell, M.F.A., Associate Dean

129 Moore Hall; 989-774-1885

Associated Course Designators: ARA, IPR, MDP, MMD, MTR

Department of Art and Design
School of Communication, Journalism, and Media
School of Music
Department of Theatre and Dance


The College of The Arts and Media is an active cultural center of the University. It consists of two schools (Music and Communication, Journalism and Media), two departments (Art & Design and Theatre & Dance), and two interdisciplinary programs (Music Theatre, and Multimedia Design) with over 140 faculty. Whether you decide to pursue a degree in one of the disciplines or simply enjoy the benefits of University Theatre, the Art Gallery, WMHW/FM, News Central, or university bands and choirs, the College has much to offer to enrich every student’s life. With a constant flow of guest speakers and artists-in-residence, the College is a unique place to notice, to ponder, and to mirror the human condition. It is a place to learn to appreciate art and the diverse cultures that have produced it. Participation in musical and theatrical events, dance, broadcasting, newspaper production, and forensics and debating activities is encouraged and available to all students at Central Michigan University.

College Mission

The College of the Arts and Media believes that  the Arts & Media are fundamental to the health, well-being and advancement of society and embraces the power of communication in all its forms. Through scholarship and creativity, the College provides opportunities for students and faculty to pursue their passions, enhance their abilities and realize their potential. The College prepares students to be independent, critical thinkers, lifelong learners and successful professionals in a variety of careers through its commitment to a high quality, comprehensive education.

Areas of Study

Each department, school, and interdisciplinary program offers a major and/or minor, many with a variety of concentrations. The primary fields of study within the College are:

  • Art & Design (Art Studio Concentration, Graphic Design, Art History)
  • Advertising and Public Relations
  • Communication
  • Journalism and Photojournalism)
  • Media Arts (Broadcast and Cinematic Arts)
  • Music (Music Education, Performance & Applied Music)
  • Theatre and Dance (Theatre & Interpretation, Acting/Directing, Design/Technical Theatre, Dance)
  • Music Theatre
  • Multimedia Design

See the links above for more information on each of the above programs.

Programs for Education Degrees

The School of Music offers majors and minors under the Bachelor of Music Education degree. If you are interested in teacher certification, consult both the specific department in this Bulletin and the sections on teacher certification.

Professional Opportunities and Internships

Majors in the College are encouraged to participate in career-related experiences. These experiences may be gained through department-sponsored activities, university-wide productions, internships, and summer employment. See your major or minor advisor to develop a plan of study that balances your course load with extracurricular activities.

Student Organizations

The College of the Arts and Media supports many student chapters of professional organizations, honor societies, and service clubs such as The National Broadcasting Society/Alpha Epsilon Rho, Public Relations Student Society of America, Society of Professional Journalists, Alpha Psi Omega, Delta Omicron, and the Student Art League. Participation will help you prepare for a career and become better acquainted with other students, faculty, and working professionals. Students are encouraged to contact individual departments for further information.