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Teacher Certification

For this process, please contact the Assistant Director of Professional Education in CEHS 421.

Postbaccalaureate Students

A postbaccalaureate student is defined as a student with a non-teaching bachelor’s degree from a four-year regionally accredited institution who is seeking teacher certification, a student with a teaching degree who is seeking teacher certification and/or endorsement in an additional area, or a student with a teaching degree who is seeking standard or professional certification and/or endorsement in an additional area.

Standard Teacher Certification for non-degree seeking Postbaccalaureate Students

  1. Postbaccalaureate students must follow the “Standards Leading to Teacher Certification” as published in the Bulletin and meet Michigan Department of Education requirements.
  2. Postbaccalaureate students must have majors and/or minors signed by a department advisor in the department offering the major or minor. The request for the declared major/minor will be initiated by the staff in the EHS Center for Student Services (989-774-3309). Certification will be recommended for those teaching areas in which CMU presently offers a major or minor. Course substitutions may be approved only by the department advisor.
  3. Postbaccalaureate students must complete all Professional Education courses and other degree/certification requirements for either elementary or secondary students as published in the Bulletin.
  4. The Teacher Education and Professional Development Department (TEPD) will submit a list of the names of all students applying for student teaching the following semester to each student’s major and minor department for approval or denial.
  5. The EHS Center for Student Services will audit the BSEd degree of all students to certify that candidates have met all the requirements before confirming them for certification.

Validity of a Standard Teaching Certificate

A current Elementary Standard Teaching Certificate is valid for teaching all subjects in grades kindergarten through five, and major and minor fields in grades six through eight (upon completion of the required subject area tests) as specified on the certificate and kindergarten through eight in a self-contained classroom. It is valid for five years and may be renewed continuously with each renewal being valid for an additional five years provided the applicant completes the Standard Teaching Certificate Renewal Requirements as described below.

A current Secondary Standard Certificate is valid in subject matter fields in grades six through twelve in which the applicant has completed a major(s) or minor(s) as specified on the certificate. It is valid for five years and may be renewed continuously with each renewal being valid for an additional five years provided the applicant completes the Standard Teaching Certificate Renewal Requirements as described below.

Requirements for a Standard Teaching Certificate Renewal

The Standard Teaching Certificate Renewal is valid for five years and can be continuously renewed at the end of the five year period for an additional five years to a candidate who has met the following requirements:

  1. Has submitted the appropriate application through
  2. Has presented evidence that he/she has completed one of the following options since the issuance of their most recent Standard Teaching Certificate or Standard Teaching Certificate Renewal:
    1. Six semester hours of credit appropriate to the content and grade level of the certificate and endorsement areas at an approved educator preparation institution.
    2. Six semester hours of credit in a planned course of study at an approved educator preparation institution.
    3. 150 Michigan State Continuing Education Clock Hours (SCECHS) or District Provided Professional Development (DPPD) Hours appropriate to the content and grade level of the certificate and endorsement areas.

Requirements for a Professional Teaching Certificate

The Professional Teaching Certificate is valid for five years and can be continuously renewed at the end of the five year period for an additional five years to a candidate who has met the following requirements:

  1. Has submitted the appropriate application through
  2. Has taught successfully for three years according to the validity of his or her Standard Teaching Certificate.
  3. Elementary applicants for the Professional Teaching Certificate must have completed six semester hours of credit at an approved educator preparation institution of reading methods coursework, and secondary applicants must have completed three semester credit hours of reading methods coursework at an approved educator preparation institution.
  4. Has completed three semester hours of credit in reading diagnostics and remediation coursework, which includes a field experience. Beginning July 1, 2009 all teachers progressing from a Standard Teaching Certificate to the Professional Teaching Certificate must have completed three semester hours of credit in reading diagnostics and remediation coursework in accordance with Michigan Revised School Code MCL 380.1531 (4). At this time, Central Michigan University has established EDU 603 (Elementary Diagnosis, Remediation, and Differentiation of Reading Instruction) and EDU 606 (Secondary Diagnosis, Remediation, and Differentiation of Reading Instruction) to meet this requirement.
  5. Has presented evidence that he/she has completed one of the following options since the issuance of their most recent Standard Teaching Certificate or Standard Teaching Certificate Renewal:
    1. Six semester hours of credit appropriate to the content and grade level of the certificate and endorsement areas at an approved educator preparation institution.
    2. Six semester hours of credit in a planned course of study at an approved educator preparation institution.
    3. 150 Michigan State Continuing Education Clock Hours (SCECHS) or District Provided Professional Development (DPPD) Hours appropriate to the content and grade level of the certificate and endorsement areas.

Requirements for a Professional Teaching Certificate Renewal

A Professional Teaching Certificate Renewal is valid for five years and can be renewed at the end of the five year period for an additional five years upon the applicant’s completion of the following requirements:

  1. Has submitted the appropriate application through
  2. Has presented evidence that he/she has completed one of the following options since the issuance of their most recent Professional Teaching Certificate or Professional Teaching Certificate Renewal:
    1. Six semester hours of credit appropriate to the content and grade level of the certificate and endorsement areas at an approved educator preparation institution.
    2. Six semester hours of credit in a planned course of study at an approved educator preparation institution.
    3. 150 Michigan State Continuing Education Clock Hours (SCECHS) or District Provided Professional Development (DPPD) Hours appropriate to the content and grade level of the certificate and endorsement areas.

Procedures for the Standard Teaching Certificate Renewal

The candidate shall:

  1. Apply for a Standard Teaching Certificate Renewal through when the last of the requirements have been met.
  2. Submit a planned program of study beyond the bachelor’s degree through (when applicable). If the candidate has been admitted to a master’s degree program, he/she may submit a copy of the Authorization of Graduate Degree Program, signed by the advisor. If the candidate has been admitted to an additional endorsement program, he/she may submit a copy of the endorsement evaluation, signed by the advisor.
  3. Submit evidence of the equivalent in State Continuing Education Clock Hours (SCECHS) or District Provided Professional Development (DPPD) Hours (when applicable).
  4. Send official transcripts directly to the Michigan Department of Education at

Procedures for the Professional Teaching Certificate

The candidate shall:

  1. Apply for a Professional Teaching Certificate through when the last of the requirements have been met.
  2. Submit a planned program of study beyond the bachelor’s degree to (when applicable). If the candidate has been admitted to a master’s degree program, he/she may submit a copy of the Authorization of Graduate Degree Program, signed by the advisor. If the candidate has been admitted to an additional endorsement program, he/she may submit a copy of the endorsement evaluation, signed by the advisor.
  3. Submit evidence of the equivalent in State Continuing Education Clock Hours (SCECHS) or District Provided Professional Development (DPPD) Hours (when applicable).
  4. Send official transcripts directly to the Michigan Department of Education at
  5. Submit a completed Work Experience Verification Form, which can be found at, to

Procedures for the Professional Teaching Certificate Renewal

The candidate shall:

  1. Apply for a Professional Teaching Certificate Renewal through when the last of the requirements have been met.
  2. Submit a planned program of study beyond the bachelor’s degree through (when applicable). If the candidate has been admitted to a master’s degree program, he/she may submit a copy of the Authorization of Graduate Degree Program, signed by the advisor. If the candidate has been admitted to an additional endorsement program, he/she may submit a copy of the endorsement evaluation, signed by the advisor.
  3. Submit evidence of the equivalent in State Continuing Education Clock Hours (SCECHS) or District Provided Professional Development (DPPD) Hours (when applicable).
  4. Send official transcripts directly to the Michigan Department of Education at

Certificate Fee

Public Act 339 of 1988 requires the collection of a certification fee paid when billed by the Michigan Department of Education.