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Undergraduate Academic Probation, Suspension, Dismissal, and Rematriculation Policies and Procedures

Students with Academic Difficulties

All degree- and non-degree-seeking students at Central Michigan University have the responsibility to realize when they are having academic difficulties and to seek help as needed. Students are encouraged to seek assistance from their instructors, advisors, and/or counselors. Help can also be obtained from Academic Assistance Programs in the Academic Advising and Assistance office, where students can get information about one-on-one tutors, walk-in tutoring, supplemental instruction sessions, the Writing Center, the Math Assistance Center, advising and coaching options, and various academic strategies courses. Academic Advising and Assistance is located at 250 Ronan Hall and can be reached at 989-774-3465.

While it is important for students experiencing academic difficulty to seek assistance, instructors are encouraged to take action when a student is not succeeding in their courses. Instructors should work directly with the student and may report their concerns to the Early Alert Referral site, the CARE team, or to Academic Advising and Assistance.

Academic Probation

At the end of each semester or summer session, all students whose cumulative grade point average (GPA) is below 2.00 will either be placed on academic probation, academic suspension, or academic dismissal. Academic probation occurs when a student’s GPA is below 2.00 but above the range for suspension or dismissal, which varies according to the student’s attempted credit hours or total credit hours, whichever is greater. Total attempted hours include CMU credits earned or attempted at the 100-level or above, transfer credits, and hours earned in any other manner. For a full definition of attempted hours, refer to Table 1.

The university notifies students who are placed on academic probation, and encourages them to seek counseling and assistance via the Academic Advising and Assistance office (250 Ronan Hall, 989-774-3465). If a student is on academic probation for three consecutive semesters, including summer sessions, the student is subject to academic dismissal.

Academic Suspension

Students in their first semester (at least 6 credit hours) of academic courses taken at CMU are subject to academic suspension if their first semester or summer session GPA falls below the range for academic probation (See Table 1). Suspended students may not rematriculate for the next academic session unless granted permission by the Committee on Rematriculation through the Academic Advising and Assistance office. Details regarding a student’s academic suspension status, suggestions for corrective action, and the appeal process are communicated following the official grade deadline for each semester or summer session by mail from the Academic Advising and Assistance office.

Academic Dismissal

A student is subject to academic dismissal if his or her cumulative GPA falls below the cumulative GPA range for probation (see Table 1), or when the student has been on academic probation for three consecutive semesters including summer session.

The University notifies students whose matriculation is canceled. Details regarding a student’s academic status, suggestions for corrective action, and an appeal process are communicated following the official grade deadline for each semester or summer session by e-mail from the Academic Advising and Assistance office.

No student whose matriculation has been canceled, or would have been canceled had he or she been a student at the University, may enroll again unless rematriculated. Consideration for rematriculation will normally be given to dismissed students only after an absence of at least one calendar year. If students wish to return to the University, they must apply for rematriculation to the Committee on Rematriculation, through the Academic Advising and Assistance office (250 Ronan Hall, 989-774-3465) or see

Table 1
Attempted/Total Credit Hours GPA Range for Dismissal/Suspension GPA Range for Probation
6-18 0.0-0.99 1.00-1.99
19-35 0.0-1.49 1.50-1.99
36-45 0.0-1.69 1.70-1.99
46-58 0.0-1.79 1.80-1.99
59-71 0.0-1.84 1.85-1.99
72-85 0.0-1.89 1.90-1.99
86 and over 0.0-1.94 1.95-1.99
Attempted/Total Credit Hours include every course at 100-level or above ever registered for that shows on the transcript and for which there is a grade or grade substitute such as W, I, CR, NC, N, or Z. This does not include courses dropped during registration. It does include credits transferred from other institutions and credits earned by other methods, such as Advanced Placement (AP), College Level Examination Program (CLEP), or International Baccalaureate (IP).


A student whose eligibility to enroll (matriculate) has been canceled for academic reasons may apply for rematriculation to the Committee on Rematriculation through the Academic Advising and Assistance office. Students who have been suspended, which applies only to students in their first semester of academic courses (100 level and above) may apply for immediate rematriculation. Students who have been dismissed may petition for rematriculation 12 months after the student was dismissed. A student who has been dismissed twice will be rematriculated only under extraordinary circumstances and then not until 24 months after the student’s second dismissal.

Students should plan to seek rematriculation to the University for either a fall or summer semester or session. Rematriculation for spring semesters is often impossible due to timing and course scheduling difficulties.

Rematriculation requires a written application, payment of the rematriculation application fee, and a personal interview. Supporting documents may also be requested. Applications may be obtained from the Academic Advising and Assistance office, 989-774-3465. Completed applications and the receipt for payment of the rematriculation application fee must be submitted at the time of the personal interview. The fee may be paid at the Student Service Court in the Bovee University Center. Interviews for students seeking to return for a summer semester will be held in April, and interviews for students seeking to return for a Fall semester will be held in May and June. Last-minute interviews are not conducted.

Permission to return is not automatic, but is based upon the merits of each case. Students may be expected to show academic improvement at the community college level. Students may be expected to have plans to address the difficulties that prevented them from achieving academic competence.