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Foreign Language Placement/Retroactive Credit

Students who have had French, German or Spanish in high school and want to continue the study of that language at CMU must take a placement exam in that language before registering for classes. Only those who have had no previous experience in the foreign language may enroll in 101 without taking the placement exam. Students with CMU or other college-level credit in the language do not have to take the placement exam.

You may take the foreign language placement exam online. Visit and click on “placement test” button. Students do not earn credit for a high score. However, after completing the course and earning credit, they do have the opportunity to earn retroactive credit, which is outlined below.

Retroactive credit: Students who enroll in an entry level course (102, 201, or 202) or a course beyond 202 (FRN 315 or FRN 316, GER 311 or GER 312 or SPN 214 or SPN 331) and receive a grade of B (3.0) or better are eligible for up to 8 hours of retroactive credit. To qualify, students must be enrolled at the level determined by their score on the placement exam, or at a higher level. For more information on retroactive guidelines, contact the CMU Department of World Languages and Cultures in Pearce Hall 305 or 989-774-3786.