2025-2026 Undergraduate Bulletin > Degrees > Listing of all degrees > Bachelor of Science in Education (B.S. in Ed.) Secondary Standard Certificate
Completion of this degree will qualify a student for recommendation to the Michigan State Board of Education for a Standard Certificate, which will permit the holder to teach corresponding levels of the major.
For more information, see General Education Requirements.
All of the courses below (except EDU 107, EDU 255, SPE 250, SPE 504, and TEL 302) require students to be admitted to the teacher education program. Students cannot continue in the education program until each previous EDU course is completed with a C+ or better (Note: EDU 107 requires a B or higher).
Read carefully the section on Standards Leading to Teacher Certification for additional requirements.
Note: EDU 210 also satisfies University Program Requirements.
Note: EDU 458 is required for 9 credit hours on this degree.
Select one of the following options.
Option 1 (Two Minors)
Select two minors from either Group 1 or Group 2.
Group 1
Teaching English Language Arts Grades 5-9 Minor Teaching English Learners Minor (PK-12) Teaching Mathematics Grades 5-9 Minor Teaching Social Studies Grades 5-9 Minor
Group 2
Teaching English Language Arts Grades 7-12 Minor Teaching English Learners Minor (PK-12) Teaching Mathematics Grades 7-12 Minor Teaching Social Studies Grades 7-12 Minor
Option 2 (One Major)
Select a major:
Select one of the following:
Health and Physical Education Major (K-12) Teaching English Language Arts Grades 5-12 Major Teaching Mathematics Grades 5-12 Major Teaching Science Grades 5-12 Major Teaching Social Studies Grades 5-12 Major
Optional Minors
Note: Teaching Biology Grades 7-12 Minor or Teaching Chemistry Grades 7-12 Minor must be paired with the Teaching Science Grades 5-12 Major.
Teaching Biology Grades 7-12 Minor Teaching Chemistry Grades 7-12 Minor Teaching English Learners Minor (PK-12)
Option 3 (Two Majors)
Majors I
Select the following:
Special Education Major: Teachers of Students with Cognitive Impairment
Teaching English Language Arts Grades 5-12 Major Teaching Mathematics Grades 5-12 Major Teaching Science Grades 5-12 Major Teaching Social Studies Grades 5-12 Major
Optional Minor
Teaching English Learners Minor (PK-12)
Option 4 (Major and Minor)
Teaching English Language Arts Grades 5-9 Minor Teaching English Language Arts Grades 7-12 Minor
Teaching Mathematics Grades 5-9 Minor
Teaching Mathematics Grades 7-12 Minor Teaching Social Studies Grades 5-9 Minor Teaching Social Studies Grades 7-12 Minor
Optional Second Minor Teaching English Learners Minor (PK-12)