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Teaching Mathematics Grades 5-9 Minor, B.S.Ed., Standard Secondary Certificate

Admission Requirements, Retention & Termination Standards

1. A minimum cumulative average of a 2.8 must be earned in the Teaching Mathematics Grades 5 - 9 Minor.

2. Complete EDU 107 with a B- or higher.

3. A minimum cumulative average of a 2.8 is required to complete the student teaching clinical experience.

4. Students must adhere to the Teacher Candidate Dispositions set by the Education Preparation Program.

5. To declare a minor, students must have completed MTH 132 with a grade of B- or higher.

6. All professional education courses (MTH 260, MTH 265, MTH 360, & MTH 460) must be completed with a grade of C+ or better.


Program Requirements

Required Courses (23 hours)

MTH 132Calculus I


MTH 175Discrete Mathematics


MTH 260Number and Algebraic Connections for Secondary Education


MTH 265Measurement and Transformational Geometry in Secondary Education


MTH 332Introduction to Mathematical Proof


MTH 360Statistics and Probability for Secondary Education


MTH 460Capstone on Teaching and Learning Mathematics for Secondary Education


Required Courses II (3 hours)

Select one of the following:
MTH 102Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion in Mathematics Education


MTH 104/WGS 104Women in STEM Fields


Electives 3-4 hours

Electives (3-4 hours) are to be selected from MTH or STA in consultation with and approved by a mathematics advisor.

Total: 29-30 semester hours