Teaching Mathematics Grades 5-9 Minor, B.S.Ed., Standard Secondary Certificate
Admission Requirements, Retention & Termination Standards
1. A minimum cumulative average of a 2.8 must be earned in the Teaching Mathematics Grades 5 - 9 Minor.
2. Complete EDU 107 with a B- or higher.
3. A minimum cumulative average of a 2.8 is required to complete the student teaching clinical experience.
4. Students must adhere to the Teacher Candidate Dispositions set by the Education Preparation Program.
5. To declare a minor, students must have completed MTH 132 with a grade of B- or higher.
6. All professional education courses (MTH 260, MTH 265, MTH 360, & MTH 460) must be completed with a grade of C+ or better.
Program Requirements
Required Courses (23 hours)
MTH 132 | Calculus I | 4(4-0) |
MTH 175 | Discrete Mathematics | 3(3-0) |
MTH 260 | Number and Algebraic Connections for Secondary Education | 3(3-0) |
MTH 265 | Measurement and Transformational Geometry in Secondary Education | 3(3-0) |
MTH 332 | Introduction to Mathematical Proof | 3(3-0) |
MTH 360 | Statistics and Probability for Secondary Education | 3(3-0) |
MTH 460 | Capstone on Teaching and Learning Mathematics for Secondary Education | 4(Spec) |
Required Courses II (3 hours)
Select one of the following:
MTH 102 | Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion in Mathematics Education | 3(3-0) |
MTH 104/WGS 104 | Women in STEM Fields | 3(3-0) |
Electives 3-4 hours
Electives (3-4 hours) are to be selected from MTH or STA in consultation with and approved by a mathematics advisor.
Total: 29-30 semester hours