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Teaching Chemistry Grades 7-12 Minor, B.S. in Ed., Secondary Standard Certificate

B.S. in Ed, Secondary Standard Certificate

Admission Requirements, Retention & Termination Standards

This minor requires: 

  1. One of the following:
    - Concurrent enrollment in a Teaching Science Grades 5 -12 major.
    - Prior completion of a Teaching Science Grades 5 -12 major.
    - Current Michigan teacher certification in Science, grades 7 -12 (DQ).
  2. A minimum cumulative average of a 2.8 must be earned in the Teaching Chemistry Grades 7-12 Minor.
  3. Complete EDU 107 with a B or higher.
  4. A minimum cumulative average of a 2.8 is required to complete the student teaching clinical experience.
  5. Students must adhere to the Teacher Candidate Dispositions set by the Education Preparation Program.
  6. Each student must demonstrate competency in chemistry by passing an American Chemical Society standardized chemistry examination at a specific level in order to be approved for student teaching.
  7. A minimum cumulative grade point average of 2.7 must be earned in CMU chemistry courses on the minor. Transfer chemistry credit will be accepted from regionally accredited institutions, but the grade earned will not count in the calculation of the 2.70 GPA required. At least six hours must be CMU classes with a minimum GPA of 2.70.
  8. At least 12 of the required chemistry credit hours must have been received within 10 years of application for student teaching.

Program Requirements

Required Science Methods Course (3 hours)

SCI 400Teaching Integrated Science in Secondary School


Required Chemistry Courses (16 hours)

CHM 131General Chemistry I


CHM 132General Chemistry II


CHM 211QRQuantitative Analysis


CHM 342Survey of Organic Chemistry


Electives (3 hours)

Select one of the following:
CHM 331Inorganic Chemistry


CHM 355Physical Chemistry: Foundations of Physical and Biophysical Chemistry


CHM 421Introductory Biochemistry for Health Sciences


Note: Prerequisites for CHM 355 include MTH 133 and one of PHY 131 or PHY 146.

Total: 22 semester hours