Teaching Biology Grades 7-12 Minor, B.S.Ed., Secondary Standard Certificate
B.S.Ed., Secondary Standard Certificate
Admission Requirements, Retention & Termination Standards
- To declare the Teaching Biology Grades 7-12 minor, students must have a signed Teaching Science Grades 5-12 major.
- To declare the Teaching Biology Grades 7-12 minor, students must have completed EDU 107 with a B or higher.
- A minimum cumulative average of 2.8 must be earned in the Teaching Biology Grades 7 - 12 Minor.
- A minimum cumulative average of 2.8 in the minor is required to be approved for the student teaching clinical experience.
- All courses in the minor must be taken for a grade, not for credit/no credit even if offered as an option.
- Transfer credit will be accepted from regionally accredited institutions, and the grade earned will be used in the calculation of the minor GPA. At least 12 hours must be CMU classes.
- All professional education courses (BIO 300, SCI 400) must be completed with a grade of C+ or better.
- Students must adhere to the Teacher Candidate Dispositions set by the Education Preparation Program or they may be removed from the minor.
Program Requirements
Core Courses I (20 hours)
BIO 111 | Foundations of Evolution and Diversity | 4(3-3) |
BIO 112 | Foundations of Cell Biology | 4(3-3) |
BIO 211 | Foundations of Genetics | 4(3-3) |
BIO 212 | Foundations of Form and Function | 4(3-3) |
BIO 213 | Foundations of Ecology | 4(3-3) |
Core Courses II (7 hours)
BIO 300 | Teaching Biological Systems in Grades 5-12 | 4(3-3) |
SCI 400 | Teaching Integrated Science in Secondary School | 3(2-2) |
Other Requirements (8 hours)
Total: 35 semester hours