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Employment for Students

Job opportunities on campus are available to CMU students enrolled at least half-time each semester, regardless of financial need. Job opportunities extend to most areas of university activity. Pay rates are commensurate with federal minimum wage guidelines. Students are paid once every two weeks for hours worked. Employment in moderation can be beneficial to a student’s educational experience, and earnings can often reduce or eliminate the necessity to borrow. Approximately 2,000 students work on campus earning over $8 million yearly.

Federal Work Study Employment (FWS)

The university participates in the Federal Work Study Program (FWS). Students must be U.S. citizens or U.S. permanent residents and meet all other requirements included in the Financial Aid Eligibility section. Students must be enrolled at least half time.

Once students have earned the amount for which they are eligible, it is for the employing department to determine if students will remain employed and paid from another funding source.

Students are not required to accept a job offer in order to receive other types of aid. If students want to replace all or part of the value of the job offered with a loan, they must write to or make an appointment with a financial aid advisor to discuss this option. Substitution of a loan for a job assignment can occur if loan funds are available.

Summer employment for Federal Work Study students may be available on campus. Students must file the FAFSA for the succeeding year in order to be determined eligible.

General Student Assistance Employment (GSA)

Other student jobs are available on campus in addition to those expressly paid for through Work Study Programs. General Student Assistance positions are funded through the university. Half-time enrollment status is required for employment under GSA.

Work Hour Limitation

Student employees are allowed to work 40 hours per pay period (all jobs combined) during the academic year and 80 hours per pay period in summer. Student employees must inform supervisors of all CMU work assignments and are expected to self-monitor the total hours they work for each pay period.

Off-campus Employment

Businesses and individuals in the Mt. Pleasant and surrounding areas utilize the Student Employment Office to advertise available part-time positions through up-to-date job postings. Positions can include everything from house cleaning, pet sitting, and yard work to short-term, part-time, or seasonal work in personal businesses, restaurants, and summer camps.