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Information Systems, M.S.

Emil Boasson, Director of MSIS Program

322 Grawn Hall; 989-774-3588

Minimum Totals for Graduation: 36-39 hours

The Program

The mission of the Master of Science in Information Systems Program (MSIS) is to prepare students to to be effective information systems professionals. Graduates from the program will be able to:

  • Demonstrate the ability to collaboratively develop information systems to solve business problems.
  • Demonstrate the ability to provide accurate information to key stakeholders.
  • Demonstrate competency in core business knowledge.
  • Demonstrate effective business writing and oral communication skills.

Degree Requirements:

Students are required to complete a minimum of 36 graduate credits and pass a comprehensive examination.

Admission Requirements, Retention & Termination Standards

Admission Requirement Snapshot

GPA: 2.7 (or 3.0 in the last two years of study)

Application Deadline: See below.

 Admission is valid only for the semester stated in Letter of Admission or Certificate of Admission.

Admissions Process and Deadlines for Master of Science in Information Systems

 Main Campus Process and Deadlines

Who may apply

Application Due Date*

Decision Notification

Fall Admission, classes begin late August:

U.S. Applicants

June 1*

June 30

International Applicants

March 1*

March 31

Spring Admission, classes begin January:

U.S. Applicants

September 15*

October 15

International Applicants

July 1*

September 1

*Completed Applications with all required supporting materials only
 The admissions committee reviews completed applications according to the preceding schedule. Therefore, it is prudent to apply early. International applicants are encouraged to apply even earlier as visa process usually takes time.


Online Program Process and Deadlines

Who may apply

Application Due Date*

Decision Notification

Fall Admission, classes begin late August:

All Applicants

June 1*

June 30

Spring Admission, classes begin January:

All Applicants

September 15*

October 15

*Completed Applications with all required supporting materials only
 The admissions committee reviews completed applications according to the preceding schedule. Therefore, it is prudent to apply early.


Program Requirements

Required Courses (18 hours)

BIS 601Information Systems


BIS 605Communication in Professional Contexts


BIS 628Application Development


BIS 636Systems Analysis and Design


BIS 638Database Management for Business Systems


BUS 501Project Management Fundamentals


MSIS Program Tracks (9-18 hours)

A planned course of study in one of the following tracks approved by the graduate advisor. Students selecting a track must complete the required nine hours in that track. Students may select two tracks.

Enterprise Systems using SAP Software Track (9 hours)

BIS 647Enterprise Systems for Management Using SAP Software


BIS 657ABAP Programming for ES


BIS 658Enterprise System Configuration Using SAP Software


Cybersecurity Track (9 hours)

Required Course I (3 hours)
BIS 512Cybersecurity Analysis


Required Courses II (6 hours)

Select two of the following:

BIS 521Governance, Risk, and Compliance in Cybersecurity


BIS 523Cybercrime Forensics


BIS 525Managing Security and Privacy in the Cloud


Project Management Track (9 hours)

BUS 503QRApplied Lean Six Sigma


BUS 505Application of Project Management Principles


BUS 507Advanced Project Management Methodologies


Business Data Analytics Track (9 hours)

BIS 580Business Decision Modeling


BIS 581Business Data Analytics


BIS 582Data Visualization: Theory and Practice


Electives (0-6 hours)

Students who select one track are required to earn six hours of graduate-level elective courses for the completion of the MSIS program. These courses must come from other MSIS program tracks, if available, or College of Business Administration graduate-level courses approved by the MSIS Director. Students who select two tracks are not required to take electives.

Plan B Requirement (3 hours)

Plan B Requirement is met by the successful completion of BIS 698 and by passing the comprehensive examination. The comprehensive exam is taken in a student's final semester and covers material from the core MSIS program courses. If the exam is not passed the first time, it can be retaken once.

BIS 698Information Systems Project


Total: 36-39 credit hours