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Third Year (Junior) (56-85 credit hours)

  • Declare your major and/or minor in the appropriate department(s) if you have not done so.
  • Once you have declared your major and/or minor, schedule an advising appointment with the Academic Advisor in the college of your major. This person will review your individual courses and determine remaining degree requirements.
  • Register with the Career Development Center (Ronan Hall 250, 989-774-3068)
  • Apply for admission into an Accelerated Master’s Degree Program if applicable.

Keep these in mind if you are pursing one of the programs below:


  • If you have completed Cycle I, and if you plan to student teach during the following fall semester, apply for student teaching in January (see Standards Leading to Teacher Certification).
  • Follow the procedures for admission to the Teacher Education Program.
  • Schedule an appointment with your academic advisor.
  • Visit the EHS Office of Educator Preparation Programs website at for admission information.