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General Education Program Requirements
Majors, Minors, Certificates, and Pre-Professional Studies
Graduation Requirements
AAD - Academic Advancement
ACC - Accounting
ACT - Actuarial Science
ANT - Anthropology
ARB - Arabic
ART - Art
ASL - American Sign Language
AST - Astronomy
ATR - Athletic Training
BCA - Broadcast and Cinematic Arts
BIO - Biology
BIS - Business Information Systems
BLR - Business Law and Regulation
BUS - Business
CDE - Planned Experience
CED - Counselor Educ & Personal Develop
CGL - Cultural and Global Studies
CHM - Chemistry
CHN - Chinese
COM - Communication
CPS - Computer Science
CRM - Cultural Resource Management
CSD - Communication Sciences & Disorders
DAN - Dance
DAN 104
DAN 105
DAN 106
DAN 107
DAN 109
DAN 125
DAN 126
DAN 127
DAN 133
DAN 136
DAN 137
DAN 138
DAN 175
DAS - Data Science
DBI - Deaf Blind Intervener
ECO - Economics
EDL - Educational Leadership
EDU - Teacher Education
EGR - Engineering
ELI - English Language Institute
ENG - English Language and Literature
ENS - Environmental Science
ENT - Entrepreneurship
ENV - Environmental Studies
ESC - Earth Science
FIN - Finance
FLN - Foreign Language
FMD - Fashion Merchandising & Design
FRN - French
FYE - First Year Experience
GEL - Geology
GEO - Geography
GER - German
GRK - Greek
GRN - Gerontology
HDF - Human Development & Family Studies
HED - Higher Education
HNS - Environmental Health and Safety
HOA - Hotel Administration
HON - Honors
HPE - Health and Physical Education
HPS - Health Professions
HSA - Hospitality Services Admin
HSC - Health Sciences
HST - History
HUM - Humanities
IET - Industrial & Engineering Tech
IGR - Intergroup Relations and Justice
IND - Interior Design
IPR - Integrative Public Relations
IPS - International Program Studies
ITC - Information Technology
JPN - Japanese
JRN - Journalism
LAR - Liberal Arts
LAT - Latin
LDR - Leadership Studies
LIB - Library
MAR - Marine Science
MBA - Master of Business Administration
MET - Meteorology
MGT - Management
MKT - Marketing
MLE - Middle Level Education
MMD - Multimedia Design
MSA - Master of Science in Admin
MSL - Military Science and Leadership
MST - Museum Studies
MTH - Mathematics
MUS - Music
NDS - Nutrition and Dietetics
NSC - Neuroscience
NUR Nursing
OJB - Ojibwe
PAD - Public and Nonprofit Admin
PED - Sports Instruct Progrm (Activity)
PES - Physical Educ Professional Crses
PHL - Philosophy
PHS - Physical Science
PHY - Physics
POR - Portugese
PSC - Political Science
PSY - Psychology
REL - Religion
RLA - Recreation and Leisure Activities
RPL - Recr, Parks, & Leisure Serv Admin
RUS - Russian
SAM - Science of Advanced Materials
SCI - Sciences
SEP - Sustainability and Environ Policy
SOC - Sociology
SPE - Special Education
SPN - Spanish
SSC - Social Sciences
STA - Statistics
SWK - Social Work
TAI - Theatre and Interpretation
TEL - Teaching English Learners
UNV - Prior Learning
WGS - Women and Gender Studies
Colleges and Departments
Student Support Services and Resources
Off-Campus and Online Programs (Global Campus)
Policies and General Information
Updates and Corrections to the 22-23 Undergraduate Bulletin
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2022-2023 Undergraduate Bulletin
DAN - Dance
» 100
DAN 104
Latin Dance I
DAN 105
Social Dance I
DAN 106
Country Line Dance
DAN 107
Swing Dance
DAN 109
World Dance
DAN 125
Introduction to Alexander Technique
DAN 126
Hip Hop
DAN 127
Ballroom Dance
DAN 133
Modern I
DAN 136
Ballet I
DAN 137
Tap I
DAN 138
Jazz I
DAN 175
Dance Appreciation