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Nutrition and Dietetics, M.S.

Minimum Totals for Graduation: 31 - 37 hours

Wightman 211; 989-774-2613

The M.S. in Nutrition and Dietetics is designed to provide advanced training in nutritional sciences for new and experienced professionals. Its objectives are to enhance the graduate’s knowledge base and expertise in the continually advancing field of nutrition and clinical dietetics and to provide graduates with the quantitative and methodological knowledge necessary to better interpret the scientific literature and nutritional research.

Options A through C of the M.S. in Nutrition and Dietetics Program course work can be completed entirely online. The program utilizes web-based technology to provide course content.

This degree program has three options:

  • Option I - Plan A Thesis Option;
  • Option II - Plan B Internship Option;
  • Option III - Plan C Course Work Option.

Admission Requirements, Retention & Termination Standards

Admission Requirement Snapshot

GPA: 3.0 (in the last 60 hours undergrad course work)

Entrance Exam: N/A

Internat’l Application Deadline: July 1 (Fall), Oct. 1 (Spring)

See Admission Requirement Details Below

  1. An undergraduate grade point average of at least 3.0 (on a 4-point scale) in the last 60 semester hours of course work.
  2. Successful completion of the requirements for dietetic registration by the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics or fulfillment of the minimum academic requirements of the Didactic Program in Dietetics approved by the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics’s Commission on Accreditation/Approval for Dietetics Education or successful completion of at least: two courses in nutrition, one being at the advanced level; and one course in each of the following: anatomy/physiology; biochemistry; microbiology; and organic chemistry.
  3. An essay (2-3 pages, double-spaced) including a discussion of the applicant’s goals and how completion of the program will facilitate his or her achievement of those goals. A portion of this essay should focus upon the unique qualifications the student will bring to the degree program. In addition, the essay must include the student’s choice of options (I, II, or III, see program course listing). Also the student will provide a generalized description of the subject matter of the thesis (Plan A) if Option I is chosen or for Options II or III, a description of the significant scholarship (e.g. project, extensive paper) the student intends to perform to meet the requirements. This essay replaces the written statement requested as part of the application to the College of Graduate Studies. This essay replaces the written statement requested as part of the application to the College of Graduate Studies.
  4. Three (3) letters of recommendation from former professors or professionals in the field of nutrition and dietetics or other health-related professional.
  5. Evidence of successful completion of an undergraduate statistics course is strongly recommended.
  6. Per University policy, admission with stipulations may be considered for applicants with backgrounds or grade point average deficiencies. Courses taken to make up admission deficiencies may not be counted toward graduate degree requirements. Regular admission status should be requested upon completion of all deficiencies.
  7. Up to 15 semester hours of graduate credit may be transferred in from another institution with approval of advisor.
  8. Up to a total of 15 credit hours can be applied to the MS in Nutrition and Dietetics Program through Credit by Examination or transfer of course credits from another accredited institution pending approval of coursework. No 700 level coursework may be taken until the Credit by Examination is completed.
  9. NDS 799 capstone coursework must be completed as the final course in the student’s program and may not be taken if there is outstanding coursework, or in the same semester as other courses.

Program Requirements

Select one of the following plans:

Option I - Plan A: Thesis Option (31 hours)

NDS 661Macronutrients


NDS 662Micronutrients and Gene Interactions


NDS 670Seminar: Nutrition


NDS 672Advanced Clinical Nutrition


NDS 673Advanced Nutritional Assessment


NDS 677Nutritional Epidemiology


NDS 678Research Methods and Biostatistics


NDS 798Thesis in Nutrition and Dietetics


The Plan A also includes:

  1. E-portfolio
  2. Six (6) hours of electives selected with the approval of the student’s advisor.
  3. An oral examination on the thesis topic.

Note: NDS 670 and NDS 798 are variable credit courses. Students on this option are required to take 1 credit hour of NDS 670 and 6 credit hours of NDS 798.

Option II - Plan B: Internship Option (37 hours)

NDS 661Macronutrients


NDS 662Micronutrients and Gene Interactions


NDS 670Seminar: Nutrition


NDS 672Advanced Clinical Nutrition


NDS 673Advanced Nutritional Assessment


NDS 674Dietetic Internship: Clinical Experience


NDS 675Dietetic Internship: Foodservice Administration Experience


NDS 676Dietetic Internship: Summary Experience


NDS 677Nutritional Epidemiology


NDS 678Research Methods and Biostatistics


NDS 799Capstone in Nutrition and Dietetics


The Plan B also includes:

  1. E-portfolio.
  2. Three (3) hours of electives selected with the approval of the student’s advisor.
  3. An oral examination over course work completed as part of NDS 799 course requirements.

Note:  NDS 799 must be taken in a student’s final semester, as the only course in that semester. All students must take NDS 678 Research Methods in Nutrition prior to enrollment in NDS 799. Permission to be hand-registered is required. Please see

Note: NDS 670 is a variable credit course. Students on this option are required to take 1 credit hour of NDS 670.

In some cases, twelve credits may be earned through examination to substitute for the dietetic internship experience. Students must be eligible and must pass the examination to earn the twelve credits.

Contact the advisor for the policy on Credit by Examination for Dietetic Internship Experience.

Option III - Plan C: Course Work Option (33 hours)

The Plan C also includes:

NDS 661Macronutrients


NDS 662Micronutrients and Gene Interactions


NDS 670Seminar: Nutrition


NDS 672Advanced Clinical Nutrition


NDS 673Advanced Nutritional Assessment


NDS 677Nutritional Epidemiology


NDS 678Research Methods and Biostatistics


NDS 799Capstone in Nutrition and Dietetics


  1. E-portfolio.
  2. Nine (9) additional hours of electives selected with the approval of the student’s academic advisor.
  3. An oral examination over all course work, completed as part of NDS 799 course requirements.

Note:  NDS 799 must be taken in a student’s final semester, as the only course in that semester. All students must take NDS 678 Research Methods in Nutrition prior to enrollment in NDS 799. Permission to be hand-registered is required. Please see

Note: NDS 670 is a variable credit course. Students in this program MUST enroll in NDS 670 three times (1 hour each) under different subject themes.

Total: 31-37 semester hours