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Engineering and Technology, School of

College of Science and Engineering

Dr. Goksel Demirer, Director

100 ET Building, 989-774-3033

Ahmed Abdelgawad, Ph.D., Computer Engineering, Internet of Things

Daniel Chen, Ph.D., Mechanical Engineering/CAD & CAE

Frank Cheng, Ph.D., Industrial Robotics, Automation Manufacturing

Brian DeJong, Ph.D., Mechanical Engineering

Goksel Demirer, Ph.D., Environmental Engineering

Waseem Haider, Ph.D, Biomaterials

Yousef Haseli, Ph.D., Heat Transfer, Combustion

Ernur Karadogan, Ph.D., Robotics, Haptics

David Kelley, Ph.D., Computer Aided Design

Joseph Langenderfer, Ph.D., Mechanical Engineering

Terry Lerch, Ph.D., Mechanical Engineering, Mechanics

David Lopez, Ph.D., Manufacturing Management, Quality

L. Itzel Marquez Hernandez, Ph.D., Environmental Engineering

Adam Mock, Ph.D., Electrical Engineering, Photonics and Electromagnetics

Molu Olumolade, Ph.D., Manufacturing Systems

Ishraq Shabib, Ph.D., Materials

Donghyun Shin, Ph.D., Mechanical Engineering-thermal Fluids

Dru Wilson, Ph.D., Industrial Technology/Plastics

Prasanth Yanambaka, Ph.D., Computer Engineering

Kumar Yelamarthi, Ph.D., Electrical Engineering, Circuit Design

The Engineering and Technology Building contains 30 state-of-the-art laboratories and support spaces. Facilities are provided for research and development, automotive technology, plastics technology, mechanical/energy technology, robotics, materials testing, metal fabrication, computer-aided design, manufacturing systems, electronics instrumentation and design, and engineering design graphics. An auditorium and classrooms are also included in the building.

Since students need a balance of knowledge and applied experience to succeed in today's industrial environment, ample learning opportunities are provided in CMU's laboratories. Selected resources of the university are available for special projects. Contacts with industry are maintained in a variety of ways.

The interaction between E&T faculty and students is continuous. A well-qualified faculty member counsels and advises each student. E&T faculty not only have appropriate academic credentials, many also have technical certificates, professional state engineering registrations, and other forms of recognition for technical applications expertise.

Course Designators:

EGR - Engineering

IET - Industrial and Engineering Technology


The Program:

Master of Science in Engineering