Military Science Minor, B.A.; B.A.A.; B.S.; B.S. in B.A.
The Military Science Minor is designed to provide students with an interdisciplinary approach to the study of the United States Military. Coursework includes a foundation in Military Science and Military History with electives concentrating on constitutional, international, and other issues. The Minor is open to all students; there is no military obligation.
Admission Requirements, Retention & Termination Standards
- A minor in Military Science is available. Students must meet with a Military Science departmental advisor. Students must earn an overall cumulative GPA of 2.0 in Military Science courses in order to receive credit for the minor.
- Students who are pursuing a commission as an Army Officer must earn an undergraduate degree and meet all of the requirements for their declared academic major and minor if a minor is required. Upon signing an Army ROTC contract to commission, students must continue to meet all of the requirements of that Army ROTC contract in order to be retained in the commissioning program.
- These requirements include meeting Army physical fitness standards, demonstrating good character, meeting the military science program’s academic standards, and attaining the undergraduate degree prior to being commissioned.
Program Requirements
Required Courses I (16 hours)
MSL 301 | Adaptive Team Leadership | 4(Spec) |
MSL 302 | Leadership in Changing Environments | 4(Spec) |
MSL 401 | Mission Command and Army Profession | 4(Spec) |
MSL 402 | Mission Command II and the Company Grade Officer | 4(Spec) |
Required Courses II (3 hours)
Select one of the following:
HST 215 | The American Civil War: A House Divided | 3(3-0) |
HST 303 | The American Revolution | 3(3-0) |
HST 312 | American Military Experience | 3(3-0) |
HST 315 | The Vietnam War | 3(3-0) |
HST 515 | Civil War and Reconstruction | 3(3-0) |
Electives (9 hours)
Select from the following courses in consultation with minor advisor. Other electives may be substituted with advisor’s approval.
COM 264 | Communicating in Workplaces and Volunteer Organizations | 3(3-0) |
GEO 121 | Human Geography and Globalization | 3(3-0) |
GEO 346 | Geography of the Developing World | 3(3-0) |
JRN 101 | Media and Society | 3(3-0) |
MGT 258 | Effective Management of Human Resources in Organizations | 3(3-0) |
MGT 312 | Introduction to Management | 3(3-0) |
PAD 210 | Introduction to Public Administration | 3(3-0) |
PHL 218 | Ethical Theories | 3(3-0) |
PSC 105 | Introduction to American Government and Politics | 3(3-0) |
PSC 150 | Introduction to International Relations | 3(3-0) |
PSC 421 | Constitutional Law: Powers of Government | 3(3-0) |
PSC 453 | American Foreign Policy | 3(3-0) |
REL 101 | World Religions: An Introduction to the Study of Religion | 3(3-0) |
REL 140 | Religion, Race and Discrimination in the United States | 3(3-0) |
JRN 250 | Social Media: Managing the Message | 3(3-0) |
STC 350 | Public Relations Principles and Practices | 3(3-0) |
STC 353 | Foundations of Strategic Public Relations | 3(3-0) |
Total: 28 semester hours