Drop and Withdrawal Policy for Online Courses
For CMU Online classes, registration, drop and withdrawal dates, see https://www.cmich.edu/offices-departments/registrars-office/calendars/drop-withdrawal-deadlines.
All CMU Online courses start on a Monday and end on a Friday. Students are encouraged to frequently and consistently log into their online course, ideally every day. Tuition refunds requested prior to the start date of the course shall be made in full. The start time for CMU Online courses is 12:01 a.m. EST on the first day of class. Each new week for an online class begins on Monday at 12:01 a.m. EST and ends on the following Sunday at 12:00 midnight EST. The amount of tuition refunded is based on the week the request is received within. Holidays do not have any effect on this definition of a week. Students may not withdraw after the midpoint of the course.
Students who cease/fail to attend (virtual or otherwise) and have not formally withdrawn from the course will receive a grade of “E.” A charge-back for financial aid may be incurred based on student’s last date of academic participation in the class. See Scholarships and Financial Aid section of this Bulletin for additional information.