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Code of Student Rights, Responsibilities and Disciplinary Procedures

This publication presents the Code of Student Rights, Responsibilities, and Disciplinary Procedures at Central Michigan University. It establishes the procedures followed and outlines the possible consequences for students found in violation of the "Code of Conduct." The disciplinary procedures outlined in this document do not replace or substitute for filing charges through law enforcement agencies if it is determined that such action is appropriate.

This document was formally adopted by the Board of Trustees for Central Michigan University on December 16, 1972. Since that time, it has been periodically reviewed and revised as needs changed. This revision was approved by the President and the Board of Trustees on June 27,  2019.

In keeping with the policies and goals established by the Board of Trustees, the President is responsible for communicating rules and regulations pertaining to student rights and responsibilities, including regulations governing student organizations. In fulfilling this responsibility, the President is obligated to assure the right of due process for students.

The President has designated the Associate Vice President for Student Affairs as the person charged with the administration of student discipline. The Associate Vice President for Student Affairs appoints Conduct Proceedings Officers to answer questions concerning the rights and responsibilities of students, to receive complaints as they are reported, and to follow through with discipline cases to their resolution.