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Art and Design (ART)

Course Designator: ART

For information, please contact the chairperson, 989-774-3025, 132 Wightman Hall;

Why Study Art?

The study of the visual arts helps students develop their artistic abilities, strengthen their analytic skills, and improve their interpretive capabilities. Art teaches creative problem solving, self-expression, and self-directed learning. Students in art courses are exposed to the rigors of scholarly inquiry, importance of creative endeavors, and necessity of synthesizing knowledge.

Art at CMU

The Department of Art and Design offers a variety of courses that lead toward degree programs in animation, art history, graphic design and studio areas, as well as experience and development for non-art majors. The department’s curriculum builds from a foundational core, enabling students to pursue individual interests and research across a wide spectrum of offerings within the department. Students develop as they are challenged conceptually and critically in the creative practice of art and design. The Department of Art and Design offers degree programs that prepare students for professional art careers and advanced study in the visual arts.

The Faculty

Rachael Barron-Duncan, Rose Brauner, Israel Davis, Jeremy Davis, Scott de Brestian, Brian Elder, Steve Leeper, Clark Most, Johanna Paas, Kris Sanford, David Stairs

The Programs

Art Major: Animation Concentration (BFA)

Art Major: Graphic Design Concentration (BFA)

Art Major: Studio Concentration (BFA)

Art Major: Animation Concentration (BAA)

Art Major: Studio Concentration (BAA)

Art History Major (BA)

Art History Minor

Art Minor

Multimedia Design Minor (Interdisciplinary Minor)