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Teacher and Special Education, Department of

Course Designators: ECE, EDU, MLE, SPE

For information, please contact the chairperson, 989-774-3975, EHS 421;

The Study of Education at CMU

Central Michigan University’s teacher education program seeks to provide the preparation required to establish a professional practice that is knowledge-driven, learner-centered, and relevant to the multiple contexts in which the modern educator must function: the classroom, the multi-disciplinary school-based team, and the broader community. The Department of Teacher and Special Education contributes to this mission through courses and programs with the following specific objectives:

  1. To provide the professional education coursework needed by students preparing to teach in the K-12 general and special education classrooms in Michigan.
  2. To advise undergraduate and graduate students in the selection of programs and courses.
  3. To provide coursework for graduate students seeking a master’s degree.
  4. To direct graduate students in independent studies, readings, field studies, and theses.

The departmental programs are composed of elementary (Early Childhood and Elementary Education) and secondary education), as well as Special Education majors. The department also offers coursework in interdisciplinary/interdepartmental majors and minors.

Why Study Special Education?

The study of special education will help you to develop a knowledge and understanding of individual differences, life span issues and working with others. The programs offered emphasize working with students as individuals within a group setting and serving them throughout the life span. All programs provide experiential applications for students. If you are interested in a career in working with persons with special needs or in improving your skills in these areas, you should discuss your plans with a member of the special education faculty.

Special Education at CMU

The department offers undergraduate special education majors on the Bachelor of Science degree, grades K-12. A program is also offered for teachers holding general elementary or secondary certification to become approved in the area of emotional impairment or cognitive impairment. 

The department also offers programs leading to a Master of Arts in Special Education: The Master Teacher degree, which prepares graduates for additional teaching endorsements in the areas of emotional impairment, learning disabilities, autism, and cognitive impairment at the K-12 level.

See the Graduate Bulletin for a complete description of graduate programs.


The Faculty

Brandis Ansley, Lorraine Berak, Adam Berman, Meghan Block, Lori Boyle, Timothy A. Brannan, April Burke, Shane Cavanaugh, Natalia Collings, Kevin Cunningham, Dawn Decker, Michael Deschryver, Kathryn Dirkin, Raymond Francis, JoDell Heroux, Troy Hicks (Chair), Tamara Jetton, William Leibfritz, James McDonald, Mark Moody, Krystyna Nowak-Fabrykowski, Scott Roberts, Kristina Rouech, Suzanne Shellady, Chad Waldron, Heidi Waugh, Jennifer Weible, Mingyuan Zhang

Departmental Programs

Admission Requirements, Retention & Termination Standards


Students interested in teaching in the elementary and secondary grades may contact the EHS Office of Educator Preparation Programs (EHS 421) for pre-admission advising. This service assists students in determining the appropriateness of their career plans and provides information about admission to the teacher education program. The Teacher Education Student Handbook, which answers many student questions about the program, may be found on the EHS Office of Educator Preparation Programs website at


The three cycles of candidacy may be found in the Standards Leading to Teacher Certification. Students must apply for admission into the Teacher Education Program before becoming eligible to enroll in professional education courses. After being admitted into teacher education, a student has five years in which to complete requirements for graduation; otherwise he or she must reapply for the program. The application for teacher education is available on the EHS Office of Educator Preparation Programs website (

Student Teaching 

The Department of Teacher and Special Education offers the field-based professional education courses required for the State of Michigan’s Elementary and Secondary Standard Teaching Certificates. Student teachers are placed in one of the CMU Student Teaching Centers within the state. There are also opportunities to student teach in an international placement during a portion of the student teaching field experience.

For additional information, contact the Director of Student Teaching at 989-774-4411. Student teaching information is also available on the TEPD website at

Application. The application process begins with a Student Teaching Application Meeting during the first week of the semester prior to the student teaching semester. The application is completed online. Once approved to student teach, students are assigned to a student teaching center. An interview takes place with a University Coordinator from the center who will secure the field placement. Students may NOT secure their own placement.

Requirements. Students must complete the requirements as posted in the Teacher Education Handbook, before student teaching placements are secured. These include departmental approval for each major and minor, a 2.7 or higher GPA in each major and minor, an overall GPA of 2.70 or higher, and a C+ or higher in all methods and professional education classes. “Incompletes” are NOT acceptable in any methods or professional education course. Students register themselves for EDU 432 and 458 during open registration. Students pursuing special education endorsements should contact the department for information regarding special education student teaching.

Elementary: EDU 107; EDU 432 or SPE 500; EDU 458 or SPE 557; ENG 370; HDF 100; SPE 250; and all major and minor requirements listed in the bulletin.

Elementary students must complete the general elementary education MTTC examination and complete extra examinations in their major and minor for endorsements in those areas.

Secondary: EDU 107, EDU 290 (except for music majors), EDU 210, EDU 325 (except for music majors), EDU 432, EDU 450, EDU 458, EDU 495; SPE 504; and all major and minor requirements listed in the bulletin (additional requirements for Special Education Majors).

Secondary students must successfully complete the Michigan Test of Teacher Certification (MTTC) in their major and minor areas.

Teacher Certification

Students must fulfill all requirements listed for Admission to Teacher Education Programs as specified in the Standards Leading to Teacher Certification section of this Bulletin. Students interested in certification regulations should contact the EHS Office of Educator Preparation Programs immediately. As of April, 1987 “General Elementary Certification Endorsement” means an authorization to teach in grades kindergarten to and including grade five in all subjects and in major and minor areas of preparation in grades six through eight and K-8, if in a self-contained classroom. The Michigan Secondary Standard Teacher’s Certificate qualifies the graduates to teach in their major and minor fields in grades six through twelve. 

Secondary Education - B.S. in Ed. degree leading to Standard Secondary Certificate

The Secondary Education Undergraduate Program offers professional education courses applicable to State of Michigan requirements for the Secondary Standard Certificate. You will need to follow the requirements of the Bachelor of Science in Education degree with standard secondary certificate.

Admission Requirements, Retention & Termination Standards - See the information above.

Professional education requirements for students who intend to teach in grades six to twelve are detailed in the Bachelor of Science in Education (B.S. in Ed) degree. 

You should seek advising help from the EHS Office of Educator Preparation Programs. Admission requirements are detailed in the Teacher Education Student Handbook at

Elementary Education - B.S. in Ed. degree leading to Standard Certificate, Early Childhood and Elementary Education

The Elementary Education Undergraduate Program offers professional education courses applicable to State of Michigan Requirements for the Standard Certificate. You will need to follow the requirements of the Bachelor of Science in Education (Early Childhood and Elementary Education) degree with standard certificate. 

Admission Requirements, Retention & Termination Standards - See the information above.

Professional education requirements for students who intend to teach in kindergarten through sixth grade are detailed in the Bachelor of Science in Education (B.S. in Ed) degree (Early Childhood and Elementary Education). 

You should seek advising help from the EHS Office of Educator Preparation Programs. Admission requirements are detailed in the Teacher Education Student Handbook at

The Programs

Teaching Grades 3-6 Major

Teaching Grades 3-6 with Special Education Major

Teaching Grades PK-6 Major

Teaching Grades PK-3 Major (Interdepartmental)

Teaching Grades PK-3 with Special Education Major (Interdepartmental)

Special Education Major (Teachers of Students with Cognitive Impairment)

Special Education Major (Teachers of Students with Emotional Impairment)

Disability Studies and Community Inclusion Minor (Interdepartmental)

Teaching English Learners Minor (Interdisciplinary)