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Grade, Incomplete and Deferred

Incomplete Grade. An “I” (Incomplete) grade is a temporary grade used by the instructor in cases when a student is unable to complete course requirements because of illness or other justifiable circum- stances. An incomplete grade does not indicate enrollment for the period of time in which the work is done. It is assigned only in cases in which the student has completed satisfactorily the major portion of the course requirements, and has convinced the instructor of the student's ability to complete the remaining work without re-registering for the course. It is not to be given to a student who is already doing failing work. A form must be completed and signed by the faculty member (and the student, when possible) whenever a grade of “I” is assigned. The form is to be kept on file in the departmental office. An instructor who assigns a grade of “I” also submits a formal statement to the department chairperson of requirements to be satisfied for removal of the Incomplete grade. A copy of the statement of requirements, including deadlines for their completion, shall be made available to the student.

It is the student’s responsibility to contact the instructor to make arrangements for completing the remaining work. The required work should be completed and a grade reported by the end of the student’s next semester in residence, but in no case later than one calendar year following the receipt of the “I” grade. A student not completing the remaining work by the end of one calendar year following the receipt of an “I” would retain an “I” only if the instructor chooses not to change the “I” to a specific grade ranging from A to E by the end of the calendar year. An “I” may not be removed by registering again for the course. Students will not be allowed to register for the same course with an outstanding grade of I.

If the instructor of the class in which the “I” was incurred is no longer a member of the faculty, the student should contact the department chairperson, who shall act on behalf of the former instructor.

Exceptions to these regulations can be made only when requested by the student and approved by the instructor or the department chairperson and the dean of the college, and certified by the dean of the college to the Registrar.

Deferred Grade. The “Z” (deferred) grade may be recorded for students registered for independent study, for thesis, International Program Studies courses, or for other courses specifically approved for “Z” grades in the Bulletin, if the instructor believes that the quality and quantity of work completed by the end of the semester justifies an extension of time. An instructor who assigns a grade of “Z” shall submit, on the proper form, a statement to the department chairperson of remaining requirements for removal of the deferred grade. A copy of the statement of requirements, including deadlines for their completion, shall be made available to the student.

(Academic Senate, 2/16/21)

For students on Financial Aid, see also Satisfactory Academic Progress toward your Degree (Undergraduate) or Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) (Graduate).