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Physics, M.S.

Minimum Totals for Graduation: 30 hours

The requirements for the M.S. in physics are based on a core of 15 semester hours in advanced mechanics, electricity and magnetism, and quantum mechanics. Three (3) hours of seminar are required. In consultation with an advisor, the student selects either Plan A or Plan B for an additional 15 hours. The program is normally completed in two years. There is no qualifying examination, and no foreign language is required.

Admission Requirements, Retention & Termination Standards

Admission Requirement Snapshot

GPA: 2.7

Entrance Exam: GRE General & Physics scores recommended

Application Deadline: Applications are encouraged by March 15 for Fall admission, but students can be admitted on a rolling basis.

See Admission Requirement Details Below

For admission to the physics graduate program, a bachelor's degree in physics is required with a minimum grade point average in physics of 2.7. An applicant with minor deficiencies may be admitted with the understanding that course work in addition to the usual 30 hours may be required. Students from non-English speaking countries are required to demonstrate proficiency in English via the TOEFL exam. Applicants for graduate assistantships are strongly urged to submit GRE General and Physics scores. A maximum of 24 credits earned during non-degree status may be applied toward a graduate degree in Physics.

Program Requirements

Required Core Courses (15 hours)

PHY 624Advanced Mechanics


PHY 634Advanced Electricity and Magnetism


PHY 643Quantum Mechanics I


PHY 644Quantum Mechanics II


PHY 685Seminar: Contemporary Physics


Note: 3 hours of Seminar are required for graduation.

Plan Option (15 hours)

Select one of the following plans:

Plan A (Thesis Option)

Select PHY 798 for a total of 6 hours; plus 3-9 hours of electives from AST 562, AST 563, or any PHY courses at the 500 level of above; and 0-6 hours of cognate courses (which may be chosen to meet the individual needs of the student, but must be in a discipline closely related to the area of specialization.

PHY 798Thesis


Plan B (Non-Thesis Option)

Select 9-15 hours of electives from AST 562, AST 563, or any PHY courses at the 500 level or above; plus 0-6 hours of cognate courses (which may be chosen to meet the individual needs of the student, but must be in a discipline closely related to the area of specialization). In addition, students must submit a Plan B paper, approved by the Physics graduate committee, which discusses their research, independent study, or internship.

Total: 30 semester hours