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Engineering, M.S.

Minimum Totals for Graduation: 30 hours

Admission Requirements; Retention & Termination Standards

Admission Requirement Snapshot

  • GPA: 2.7
  • Entrance Exam: None

See Admission Requirement Details Below

Students pursuing the MS in Engineering degree are required to meet with an engineering advisor during the first semester of attendance at CMU.

MS in Engineering majors are required to meet with their engineering advisor each semester to ensure students select appropriate courses to facilitate their progress through the program. Registration is not allowed until after this meeting. Prerequisites are strictly enforced for all engineering classes.

Admission Requirements

Program quality is emphasized by requiring students to meet the following criteria:

  1. Accepting only students with:
    1. 2.7 GPA for minimum admission
    2. 563/223/84+ TOEFL for international students
    3. Strong reference letters and statement of purpose by applicants
  2. Students must have completed an undergraduate ABET-accredited engineering degree. Students who have degrees from a non-ABET accredited school, or have an undergraduate degree in a different discipline, must show an average GPA of 3.3 in the following classes (or equivalent) to be admitted for the MS in Engineering degree:

If needed, the school may require students to pass an entrance exam to show competency in the above subjects.

Retention & Termination Standards

In order to remain in the MS in Engineering program, a student must meet the following criteria:

  1. Students must select courses in consultation with an engineering advisor.
  2. Students may not take courses required for this degree Credit/No Credit (except the EGR 798 course).
  3. At least 24 credits must be taken at CMU to graduate with this degree .
  4. If a student does not continue to meet the retention standards, s/he may be asked to withdraw. The school maintains the right to terminate a student if s/he is not progressing satisfactorily.
  5. The student who does not meet degree requirements by the end of the 4th year will be terminated.

Program Requirements

Required Courses I (6 hours)

EGR 600Advanced Engineering Analysis


EGR 601Advanced Engineering Experimentation


Required Courses II (3 hours)

EGR 685Seminar: Current Topics in Engineering


Note: must be taken three (3) times.

Required Courses III (21 hours)

Select one of the following plans:

Plan A

Plan A Required Courses (6-15 hours)
Select 6 to 15 credit hours in consultation with the student's advisor and advisory committee:
EGR 553Mechanical Vibrations


EGR 554Mechanical Controls


EGR 555Engineering Acoustics


EGR 576Mechanics of Composite Materials


EGR 578Advanced Mechanics of Materials


EGR 580Fundamentals of Internet of Things


EGR 585Wireless Sensor Networks


EGR 588Photonics


EGR 591CMOS Circuit Design


EGR 594Power Electronics


EGR 597Special Topics in Engineering


EGR 637Directed Research in Engineering


EGR 697Special Topics in Engineering


EGR 791Independent Research in Engineering



  • Any extra credits not counted here for EGR 637 (1-6 credit hours) may be counted as an elective.
  • Students may take EGR 791 following 6 credits of EGR 637.
Plan A Electives (0-9 hours)
Select graduate courses approved by the advisor and school director.
Thesis (6 hours)
EGR 798Thesis Research


Plan B

Plan B Required Courses (9-18 hours)
Select 9-18 credit hours in consultation with the student's advisor and advisory committee:
EGR 553Mechanical Vibrations


EGR 554Mechanical Controls


EGR 555Engineering Acoustics


EGR 576Mechanics of Composite Materials


EGR 578Advanced Mechanics of Materials


EGR 580Fundamentals of Internet of Things


EGR 585Wireless Sensor Networks


EGR 588Photonics


EGR 591CMOS Circuit Design


EGR 594Power Electronics


EGR 597Special Topics in Engineering


EGR 637Directed Research in Engineering


EGR 697Special Topics in Engineering


EGR 791Independent Research in Engineering


Plan B Electives (3-12 hours)
Select graduate courses approved by the advisor and school director. Students can take courses from other departments and colleges. Students must submit an approved Plan B paper demonstrating either research, project, independent study, or internship (3-6 hours).

Total: 30 semester hours

Courses offered for graduate students only are Seminar, Directed Research, Independent Research in Engineering, Special Topics (as merit is established), and Thesis. This is carefully done to make sure that faculty members will have an increased emphasis on research, yet reasonably loaded for teaching courses.

Accelerated MS in Engineering

Up to 9 credit hours may be double counted from appropriate courses in undergraduate degree for an accelerated MS in Engineering Program at CMU. Contact the Office of Graduate Studies for more information regarding admission for accelerated programs.