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Third Year (Junior) (56-85 credit hours)

  • Declare your major and/or minor in the appropriate department(s) if you have not done so.
  • Once you have declared your major and/or minor, schedule an advising appointment with the Academic Advisor in the college of your major. This person will review your individual courses and determine remaining degree requirements.
  • Register with the Career Development Center (Ronan Hall 250, 989-774-3068)
  • Apply for admission into an Accelerated Master’s Degree Program if applicable.


  • If you have completed Cycle I, and if you plan to student teach during the following fall semester, apply for student teaching in January (see Standards Leading to Teacher Certification in the Index for page number).
  • Follow the procedures for admission to the Teacher Education Program.
  • Schedule an appointment with your academic advisor.
  • Visit the Center for Student Services website at for admission information.