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Academic Schedule

Academic programs and course offerings of the university are in a constant process of change and revision in response to advancements in knowledge, and to changing student needs and societal demands. In accordance with this process, academic programs and courses may be changed, deleted, or rescheduled. The time you will need to complete a degree depends on your decisions concerning such variables as the academic load you will carry, whether or not you will attend summer sessions, and how well you use academic advisement services. You may complete a bachelor’s degree in less than four years or it may take you longer. Conditions producing high demand for certain courses and programs where resources are limited may require some students to take more than the estimated minimum amount of time to complete their programs. There may also be special requirements for certain degrees as well as major and minor programs.

These requirements may include a particular grade point average, specific demonstrated competencies, or other prerequisite experience as specified in the Bulletin. You should be aware that students who have entered academic programs may be dropped or suspended from these programs for unsatisfactory academic performance or for other program-related problems.

You are urged to discuss your progress toward a degree periodically with your academic advisor as you continue your program of study at CMU.