Credit by Examination
A regularly matriculated student who has had experience or background comparable to a course at this university may file for Credit by Examination in a specific CMU course under the following conditions:
- No credit transferable to CMU has been earned in the course requested by examination.
- No advanced placement had been given for the course requested by examination.
- No higher level course in that subject area was taken prior to requesting credit by examination.
- Credit by examination may not be used to repeat any course previously taken, either to remove a failure or to improve a grade, as provided in the Repeat Course Policy.
- Credit by Examination is not available by Credit/No Credit Option. The only class where Credit/No Credit is a valid grade by exam is a class that is only offered on the CR/NC basis.
Credit by Examination forms are available at The form is then to be submitted to the appropriate department chairperson. If the department chairperson approves the course for credit by examination, an instructor will be assigned to give the examination and the student will be directed to pay for the course and submit the approved form to the Registrar’s Office.
Credit by Examination when graded carries point values as do other courses. Credit by Examination in courses offered only on the CR/NC basis do not carry point values and count only as earned hours. Semester hours earned by Credit by Examination do not apply to meet any of the hours required for residence credit.