Undergraduate Academic Probation, Suspension, Dismissal, and Reinstatement Policies and Procedures
Students with Academic Difficulties
As part of an annual process occurring at the end of each spring semester, all students whose cumulative grade point average (GPA) is below 2.00 will either be placed on academic probation, academic suspension, or academic dismissal.
Students are encouraged to seek assistance from their instructors, advisors, and where appropriate, mental health professionals. Help can also be obtained from the Academic Support office, where students can get information about one-on-one tutors, tutoring, supplemental instruction sessions, the Writing Center, the Math Assistance Center, advising and coaching options, and various academic strategies for success. Academic Support is located at 250 Ronan Hall and can be reached at 989-774-7506 and at advising@cmich.edu.
While it is important for students experiencing academic difficulty to seek assistance, instructors are encouraged to take action when a student is not succeeding in their courses. Instructors should work directly with the student and may report their concerns to the Early Alert Referral site or submit a CARE report.
Academic Probation
Academic probation occurs when a student’s GPA is below 2.00 but above the range for suspension or dismissal, which varies according to the student’s attempted credit hours or total credit hours, whichever is greater. Total attempted hours include CMU credits earned or attempted at the 100-level or above, transfer credits, and hours earned in any other manner. For a full definition of attempted hours, refer to Table 1.
The university notifies students who are placed on academic probation, and encourages them to seek academic support resources. If a student is on academic probation for three consecutive semesters, including summer sessions, the student is subject to academic dismissal.
Academic Suspension
Students who complete their first semester (at least 6 credit hours) of academic courses at CMU in the spring semester are assigned an academic suspension status if their spring semester GPA falls below the range for academic probation (See Table 1). The suspended status is a warning and students may not attend the next academic session until they appeal with the Academic Support Office. Details regarding a student’s academic suspension status, suggestions for corrective action, and the appeal process are communicated following the official grade deadline for the spring semester by e-mail from the Academic Support office.
Academic Dismissal
A student will be assigned an academic dismissal status at the end of the spring semester if they earn a cumulative GPA below the range for probation (see Table 1), or when a student has been on academic probation for three consecutive semesters.
The University notifies students who have been dismissed. Details regarding a student’s academic status, suggestions for corrective action, and an appeal process are communicated following the official grade deadline for the spring semester by e-mail from the Academic Support office.
Consideration for enrollment is based on individual student circumstances. If students wish to return to the University, they must appeal through the reinstatement process with the Academic Support office (250 Ronan Hall, 989-774-3465) or see https://www.cmich.edu/offices-departments/office-student-success/academic-support.
Table 1.
GPA Ranges by Total Attempted College Credits
Attempted/Total Credit Hours |
Suspension- First Semester at CMU |
Dismissal |
GPA Range for Probation |
6-18 |
0.0-0.99 |
0.0-0.99 |
1.00-1.99 |
19-35 |
0.0-1.49 |
0.0-1.49 |
1.50-1.99 |
36-45 |
0.0-1.69 |
0.0-1.69 |
1.70-1.99 |
46-58 |
0.0-1.79 |
0.0-1.79 |
1.80-1.99 |
59-71 |
0.0-1.84 |
0.0-1.84 |
1.85-1.99 |
72-85 |
0.0-1.89 |
0.0-1.89 |
1.90-1.99 |
86 and over |
0.0-1.94 |
0.0-1.94 |
1.95-1.99 |
Attempted/Total Credit Hours include every course at 100-level or above ever registered for that shows on the transcript and for which there is a grade or grade substitute such as W, I, CR, NC, N, or Z. This does not include courses dropped during registration. It does include credits transferred from other institutions and credits earned by other methods, such as Advanced Placement (AP), College Level Examination Program (CLEP), or International Baccalaureate (IP). |
Reinstatement to CMU
A student who has been suspended or dismissed for academic reasons may appeal to return through the reinstatement process with the Academic Support office. Students who have been suspended may apply for immediate reinstatement. Students who have been dismissed may appeal for reinstatement consideration usually 12 months after dismissal. A student who has been dismissed twice will be reinstated only under extraordinary circumstances.
Reinstatement requires a written application, payment of the reinstatement application fee, and a meeting with staff from Academic Support. Supporting documents may also be required.
Permission to return is not automatic and is based upon individual circumstances.
Academic GPA Forgiveness Policy
Beginning Fall 2025, eligible students with an academic standing of academic probation, suspension, or dismissal could have up to 12 previously earned credit hours of “D+ or lower” forgiven from their CMU grade point average calculation. These grades must be from the period that placed the student on academic probation, suspension, or dismissal. The courses and grades forgiven remain on the official transcript and will be used to determine Satisfactory Academic Progress for federal financial aid qualitative and quantitative standards. No more than two semesters will be considered from the point of last enrollment.
Eligibility for one-time Academic GPA Forgiveness requires:
- Student returning after being placed on academic probation, suspension, or dismissal status. Full-time enrollment is not a requirement, however less than full-time enrollment can delay the time it may take to achieve academic forgiveness.
- Regular meetings with an academic advisor and completion of Academic Success Plan.
- Completion of 12 new credit hours with a semester GPA of 2.00 or greater. Credits earned through repeat courses may be counted toward this requirement if it is in the student’s best interest.
The relevant unit administering the Academic Forgiveness Policy should work with Academic Planning and Analysis or other relevant campus offices to collect data both to try to determine the factors that might lead students to need to use this policy and to analyze the situations that made a particular semester problematic.
Approved by the Senate 4/4/17, 2/9/23, 11/26/24 with edits; Editorially revised by the Provost's Committee on Academic Standing, 4/2/20