Substance Use Disorders Minor, B.A.; B.A.A.; B.S.
This minor is designed for professionals wishing to work in roles or settings requiring knowledge and intervention skills relative to alcohol and other drugs.
Admission Requirements, Retention & Termination Standards
Students must achieve a grade of C (2.0) or better for each HSC course.
Program Requirements
Required Courses (18 hours)
HSC 235 | Psychoactive Drugs | 3(3-0) |
HSC 236 | Substance Abuse Intervention Programming | 3(3-0) |
HSC 317 | Community Health | 3(3-0) |
HSC 526 | Behavioral Health | 3(3-0) |
HSC 532 | Diversity Issues in the Health Professions | 3(3-0) |
HSC 598 | Nature and Dynamics of Destructive Health Habits | 3(3-0) |
Electives (6 hours)
Select from the following list with approval of an advisor.
HDF 411 | Family Policy | 3(3-0) |
HSC 106QR | Healthy Lifestyles | 3(2-1) |
HSC 211 | Human Anatomy and Physiology | 3(3-0) |
HSC 319 | Methods and Materials in Community Health Education | 3(3-0) |
HSC 350 | Community Service in the Health Educators | 2(2-0) |
HSC 510 | Independent Reading Experience | 1-4(Spec) |
HSC 512 | Special Topics in Health Education | 1-12(Spec) |
HSC 523 | AIDS Education | 1(1-0) |
HSC 537 | Stress Reduction Workshop | 1(Spec) |
HSC 596 | Substance Abuse Field Experience | 3(Spec) |
NDS 370 | Nutrition | 3(3-0) |
PSY 220 | Lifespan Developmental Psychology | 3(3-0) |
PSY 250 | Abnormal Psychology | 3(3-0) |
PSY 350 | Clinical Interviewing and Counseling | 3(3-0) |
SOC 221 | Social Problems | 3(3-0) |
SOC 324 | Criminology | 3(3-0) |
SOC 411 | The Family | 3(3-0) |
SWK 250 | Social Policies, People and Progress I | 3(3-0) |
Total: 24 semester hours