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Marketing Environmental Sustainability, Undergraduate Certificate

This undergraduate certificate combines environmental studies and marketing to provide students with a distinct credential that prepares them to promote environmental sustainability effectively and ethically in corporate, non-profit, and governmental organizations and the broader community.

Contact the Department of Geography and Environmental Studies for more information.


Program Requirements

Required Courses (9 hours)

ENV 101Introduction to Sustainability, Environment, and Society


ENV 300Environmental Justice: Race, Gender, Poverty


MKT 510Sustainability and Marketing


Note: ENV 101 may be offered as Writing Intensive.

Total: 12 semester hours

Required Courses II (3 hours)

Select one of the following:


Note: Students on the BSBA degree should take MKT 301. All other students should take MKT 300.

MKT 300Introduction to Marketing


MKT 301Integrated Marketing Principles
