Art Major: Animation Concentration, B.A.A.
B.A.A. degree
Major Map
Editor's note: Pending External Approval, this program will be updated. Contact the Department of Art and Design for more information.
Admission Requirements, Retention & Termination Standards
This art major consists of 57 semester hours arranged in consultation with a department advisor. Students must have an overall grade point average of 2.3 for all art courses counted toward the major. Because Core Courses I comprise a foundation of courses that form the basis for all successive courses in the major, it is expected that students complete ART 106, ART 117, ART 119, and ART 125 before enrolling in any 300+ studio course. It is mandatory that all Art Majors register for and complete four semesters of ART 096. Students should seek advising assistance from the department upon arrival at the university and should select a major advisor.
As part of ART 125, a digital portfolio will be created and reviewed by faculty for feedback.
Courses taken on a credit/no credit basis, except for ART 096, may not be counted toward fulfillment of requirements for the art major or minor.
Program Requirements
Core Courses I: Foundations (12 hours)
Core Courses II: Introductory Art History (6 hours)
ART 283 | Introduction to Western Art, Part I | 3(3-0) |
ART 285 | Introduction to Western Art, Part II | 3(3-0) |
Core Courses III: Introductory Studio (9 hours)
Select from the following:
ART 202 | Introduction to Digital Fabrication | 3(0-6) |
ART 207 | Introduction to Animation: Traditional Media I | 3(0-6) |
ART 214 | Introduction to Ceramics | 3(0-6) |
ART 217 | Introduction to Figure Drawing | 3(0-6) |
ART 233 | Introduction to Painting | 3(0-6) |
ART 241 | Introduction to Photography | 3(0-6) |
ART 251 | Introduction to Printmaking | 3(0-6) |
ART 258 | Everyday Web Design | 3(0-6) |
ART 261 | Introduction to Sculpture | 3(0-6) |
Core Courses IV: Art History (6 hours)
Select 6 credit hours from the following list; of these at least 3 must be 300-level or higher:
ART 277 | History of Animation | 3(3-0) |
ART 287 | Introduction to Non-Western Art | 3(3-0) |
ART 312 | Special Studies in Art History | 3-9(3-0) |
ART 317 | Digital Art History and Archaeology | 3(2-3) |
ART 319 | The Methods of Art History | 3(3-0) |
ART 341 | History of Photography | 3(3-0) |
ART 363 | History of Design: 1750-2010 | 3(3-0) |
ART 380 | Greek Art and Architecture | 3(3-0) |
ART 381 | Early Christian and Byzantine Art | 3(3-0) |
ART 382/WGS 382 | Gender and Art | 3(3-0) |
ART 383 | Modern Architecture | 3(3-0) |
ART 385 | European Modernism | 3(3-0) |
ART 386 | American Art | 3(3-0) |
ART 387 | Baroque Art | 3(3-0) |
ART 388 | Eighteenth-Century Art | 3(3-0) |
ART 389 | Art of the Ancient Near East and Egypt | 3(3-0) |
ART 391 | African Art | 3(3-0) |
ART 480 | Roman Art and Architecture | 3(3-0) |
ART 481 | Western Medieval Art | 3(3-0) |
ART 482 | Italian Renaissance Art | 3(3-0) |
ART 483 | Nineteenth Century European Art | 3(3-0) |
ART 485 | Art After 1945 | 3(3-0) |
ART 486 | Independent Study in Art History | 1-6(Spec) |
ART 488 | Northern Renaissance Art | 3(3-0) |
ART 489 | Islamic Art | 3(3-0) |
ART 495 | Art History Study Abroad | 1-9(Spec) |
ART 580 | Seminar in Ancient/Medieval Art History | 3-6(3-0) |
ART 581 | Seminar in Early Modern Art History | 3-6(3-0) |
ART 582 | Seminar in Modern and Contemporary Art History | 3-6(3-0) |
ART 586 | Special Topics Seminar in Art History | 3-9(3-0) |
Core Courses V: Capstone (3 hours)
Animation Concentration students are required to take ART 399; Studio Concentration students are required to take
ART 499:
ART 399 | BAA Animation Portfolio and Professional Practices | 3(3-0) |
ART 499 | BAA Studio Art Senior Seminar | 3(3-0) |
Required Courses I: BAA Animation (3 hours)
Credits earned in these courses beyond the required 3 hours may count toward Electives I: BAA Animation.
Three (3) credits of one of the following:
ART 220 | Animation Drawing I | 3(0-6) |
ART 224 | 3D Computer Animation I: Foundations | 3(0-6) |
ART 228 | Stop Motion Animation: Traditional Media II | 3-6(Spec) |
Required Courses II: BAA Animation (6 hours)
Credits earned in these courses beyond the required 6 credits may count toward Electives I: BAA Animation.
Three credits each from two of the following:
ART 308 | Storyboarding for Digital Media | 3-6(Spec) |
ART 309 | Illustration & Concept Development | 3-6(Spec) |
ART 322 | Motion Design for Animators | 3-6(Spec) |
Electives I: BAA Animation (9 hours)
Select 9 hours from the following:
ART 220 | Animation Drawing I | 3(0-6) |
ART 224 | 3D Computer Animation I: Foundations | 3(0-6) |
ART 228 | Stop Motion Animation: Traditional Media II | 3-6(Spec) |
ART 308 | Storyboarding for Digital Media | 3-6(Spec) |
ART 309 | Illustration & Concept Development | 3-6(Spec) |
ART 320 | Animation Drawing II | 3-6(Spec) |
ART 322 | Motion Design for Animators | 3-6(Spec) |
ART 323 | Digital Sculpture | 3-9(Spec) |
ART 324 | 3D Computer Animation II: Characters | 3-6(Spec) |
ART 325 | 3D Computer Animation III: Environments | 3-6(Spec) |
ART 326 | 2D Animation Projects | 3-9(Spec) |
ART 327 | Alternative Strategies in Animation: Traditional Media III | 3-6(Spec) |
ART 360 | Figure and Portrait Sculpture | 3-6(Spec) |
ART 361 | Character Sculpture | 3-6(Spec) |
Electives II: BAA Electives (3 hours)
Select any ART courses except ART 114 or ART 126.
Total: 57 semester hours