Product Design Engineering Technology Major, B.S.E.T.
B.S.E.T. degree
Major Map
This major offers a program of coursework for students planning careers in Product Design and Development. Product design as a process is the efficient and effective development of ideas and concepts that lead to new products. Product Design Engineering Technology as a discipline overlaps the conceptual talents of industrial designers and the analytical knowledge required of engineers.
All Product Design Engineering Technology students are required to complete 60 hours of required courses. They also need to select and complete 6 credit hours of Technical Electives in consultation with an advisor.
Product Design Engineering Technology Mission Statement
The mission of the Product Design Engineering Technology program in the BS in Engineering Technology degree is to prepare students to be competent in the area of product design with the potential for growth in management and leadership.
Program Educational Objectives for Product Design Engineering Technology
The Program Educational Objectives (PEOs) of BSET-Product Design Engineering Technology (PDET) program at CMU describe the expected accomplishments of the BSET-PDET graduates during their first few years after graduation.
The main goal of the BSET-Product Design Engineering Technology program at CMU is to provide a competitive curriculum and learning environment that prepare graduates who will be able to:
- Attain employment and practice successfully in a product design engineering technology related profession;
- Work in multi-disciplinary teams providing technical knowledge and effective communication as engineering technologists;
- Remain technically current through continuous learning and self-improvement;
- Understand and exhibit professional, ethical and social responsibility as they pursue their careers.
Product Design Engineering Technology Program Criteria
In addition to the Engineering Technology Student Outcomes, graduates of the Product Design Engineering Technology program will demonstrate knowledge and technical competency in:
- use of 3D parametric computer-aided drafting and design software for a variety of mechanical drawing techniques (such as orthographic, section, auxiliary, assembly models, detailed working drawings and rendered images),
- application of principals of geometric dimensioning and tolerancing,
- application of principles of engineering materials and applied mechanics,
- application of principles of manufacturing methods,
- applications of calculus and statistics,
- use of advanced 3D parametric modeling tools for design and analysis,
- application of physics, materials, manufacturability, environmental and economic concepts to design of machine or mechanical elements,
- use of industry codes, specifications, and standards (ASME, ANSI, or others),
- technical communications typically used in preparation of engineering proposals, reports, and specifications.
Admission Requirements, Retention & Termination Standards
The engineering and technology degree programs consist of extensive laboratory work that involves a close physical relationship with tools, moving machinery and electrical equipment necessitating specific safe practices. Examples include voltage checks, use of safety guards, and continuous observation of associated visual alarms, caution signs and auditory signals.
Students must meet with an E&T advisor at least once a semester to discuss their progress in meeting the degree requirements. Prerequisites will be strictly enforced for all engineering technology coursework.
A maximum of 6 semester hours of Credit/No Credit may be used on departmental majors (excluding computer, electrical and mechanical engineering) or minors. Credit/No Credit courses are identified in the Course Search & Registration.
Admission Requirements
Any student in good academic standing at CMU may declare a major in any of the engineering or engineering technology majors. However, students must maintain a cumulative GPA of 2.50 or higher to enroll in all 200-, 300-, and 400-level engineering (EGR) and engineering technology (IET) courses. Students wishing to substitute EGR or IET courses at 300 level or above must obtain pre-approval from the School Director unless those courses appear on CMU’s What Will Transfer website:
Retention & Termination Standards
In order to remain a major in Product Design Engineering Technology, a student must meet the following criteria:
- Students must select courses in consultation with an engineering technology advisor.
- Students must maintain a cumulative GPA of 2.50 or higher to enroll in all 200-, 300-, and 400-level engineering (EGR) and technology (IET) courses.
- At least 30 credits of IET courses must be taken at CMU to graduate with this major.
- If a student does not continue to meet the retention standards, s/he may be asked to withdraw from the major. The department maintains the right to terminate a student from the major if s/he is not progressing satisfactorily.
Program Requirements
Required Courses (63 hours)
ART 106 | Introduction to Drawing | 3(0-6) |
EGR 200 | Computer Aided Problem Solving for Engineers | 3(2-2) |
EGR 489WI | Senior Design I | 3(Spec) |
EGR 499WI | Senior Design II | 3(Spec) |
EGT 181QR | Alternative Energy Analysis | 3(2-2) |
EGT 324WI | Product Design and Development | 3(2-2) |
EGT 379 | Mechanics of Materials | 3(3-0) |
IET 130 | Industrial Materials and Testing | 3(2-2) |
IET 154 | Engineering Design Graphics | 3(2-2) |
IET 170 | Manufacturing Processes I | 3(1-4) |
IET 226 | Parametric Design and Modeling | 3(2-2) |
IET 279 | Applied Statics | 3(3-0) |
IET 350 | Mechanism Design | 3(3-0) |
IET 365 | Manufacturing Processes II | 3(2-2) |
IET 424 | Human Factors and Ergonomics | 3(3-0) |
IET 451 | Geometric Dimensioning and Tolerancing | 3(2-2) |
IET 458 | Surface Modeling | 3(2-2) |
IET 466 | Advanced Surface Modeling | 3(2-2) |
EGT 540 | Mechanical Computer-Aided Engineering | 3(2-2) |
MTH 223 | Linear Algebra and Matrix Theory | 3(3-0) |
STA 282QR | Introduction to Statistics | 3(3-0) |
Technical Electives (6 hours)
Select 6 semester hours of coursework from the following:
Total: 69 semester hours