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Sociology Major, B.A.; B.S.

B.A. degree or B.S. degree

Major Map

Admission Requirements, Retention & Termination Standards

  1. Students must earn a grade of C (2.0) or better in SOC 200QR, SOC 301, and SOC 350.
  2. No more than three hours of coursework can be taken on a Credit/No Credit basis for the major, not including courses that are only offered with this grading option.
  3. At least 9 credit hours of required electives must be taken at the 300-level or above.
  4. No more than 15 hours of coursework can transfer to the major from another institution.
  5. Up to three hours of coursework with an ANT or SWK designator may be taken as part of the Sociology Major.

Program Requirements

Required Courses II (3 hours)

Select one of the following:
PSC 125African-American Politics


SOC 204/ENG 204/WGS 204LGBTQ Identities


SOC 302Social Inequality


SOC 317Sociology of Gender


SOC 323Racism and Inequality


SOC 326Inequalities and Justice Processes: Race, Class and Gender


Required Courses I (12 hours)

SOC 100Introductory Sociology


SOC 200QRIntroduction to Social Research and Analysis


SOC 301Sociological Theory


SOC 350Social Research Methodologies


Electives (15 hours)

Any SOC course, including any cross-listed SOC course. Up to six credit hours in PAD, PSC, or SWK that are not cross-listed may be taken. At least 9 credit hours must be at the 300-level or above.

Total: 30 semester hours