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Religion Minor, B.A.; B.A.A.; B.S.; B.S. in B.A.

The minor in Religion consists of at least 20 hours of coursework in religion. The program is designed to fit the individual needs or interests of the student. Students are encouraged to consult a departmental advisor.

Admission Requirements, Retention & Termination Standards

Religion courses taken on a credit/no credit basis at the 100 and 200 levels may be counted on the minor up to a maximum of three hours.


Program Requirements

Required Course (3 hours)

REL 101World Religions: An Introduction to the Study of Religion


Electives (17 hours)

Select 17 additional hours of coursework in religion. At least two additional courses in REL numbered 300 or higher. Up to 9 of these elective hours may be counted from the cognate courses below. Students may petition to have other courses counted, as long as the 9-hour limit is not exceeded.

ENG 225Witches, Faeries, and Phantoms: Folklore and Folktales


ENG 328Native American Literature and Film


ENG 330Gods, Monsters, and Immortality: Mythic Literature


PHL 230Philosophy of Religion


REL 459/ANT 459Anthropology of Religion


Total: 20 semester hours