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English Language and Literature, Department of

Course Designator: ENG

For information, please contact the chairperson, 989-774-3171, 215 Anspach Hall;

Why Study English?

Students study English to pursue critical and creative thinking, writing, and teaching through the study of culture, literature, and language arts.  They study English because they know the major is marketable, flexible, and a pathway to meaningful and satisfying employment in a wide variety of fields (e.g., business, law, education, government, publishing, public relations, professional writing, healthcare, nonprofit organizations, science and technology).  Students study English so they can advance to graduate study in academic or professional programs where critical analysis, textual interpretation, and proficiency in writing are essential, such as law school and medical school.

English Language and Literature at CMU

English programs are tailored to a variety of different student interests, including literature, teaching, and creative writing.  The 30-credit English major (B.A., B.S.) and 21-credit English minor are both designed for students who wish to develop their writing, reading, and critical thinking skills.  The English major and the minor pair well with majors and minors in other disciplines at CMU.

The 43-credit Teaching English Language Arts major (B.S.) is for students who intend to teach at the K-12 level post-graduation.  Students pursuing this career path can also chose the Teaching English Language Arts Grades 5-9 minor and the Teaching English Language Arts Grades 7-12 minor (both 31 credits).  

The Creative Writing minor (24 credits) and Creative Writing certificate (15 credits) are designed for students who desire to grow as poets and fiction writers and can be paired with the English major or any other major on campus.

The Faculty

Anne Alton, Steven Bailey (Chair), Nicole Barco, Jeffrey Bean, Ari Berk, Carlin Borsheim-Black, Tracy Davis, JoEllen DeLucia, Darrin Doyle, Maureen Eke, Robert Fanning, Amy Carpenter Ford, Mark Freed, Desmond Harding, Melinda Kreth, Daniel Lawson, Kristen McDermott, Gretchen Papazian, Matt Roberson, Nate Smith, Joseph Sommers, William Spruiell, William Wandless, Jeffrey Weinstock

The Programs

Teaching English Language Arts Grades 5-12 Major (BSEd)

Teaching English Language Arts Grades 5-9 Minor (BSEd)

Teaching English Language Arts Grades 7-12 Minor (BSEd)

English Major (BA, BS degrees)

English Minor (BA, BAA, BFA, BS, BS in BA)

Creative Writing Minor (BA, BAA, BFA, BS, BS in BA)

Undergraduate Certificate in Creative Writing

Teaching English Learners Minor (BS in Ed.) - Interdisciplinary Program

Game Design Thinking Minor - Interdisciplinary Program