Teaching Grades 3-6 Major, B.S.Ed. (Standard Certificate, ECE)
B.S.Ed. (ECE)
Major Map
The Teaching Grades 3-6 major is designed to prepare educators to address the needs of the whole child, create supportive and engaging learning environments based on relevant, research-based practices, and implement strategies that meet the needs of all learners. This learner-centered program equips future educators with expertise in Literacy, Mathematics, Science, and Social Studies, preparing them to teach students in grades 3-6 in either self-contained classrooms or departmentalized settings.
The Teaching Grades 3-6 major is housed within the Department of Teacher and Special Education and integrates coursework from a variety of disciplines, including Teacher and Special Education, English Language and Literature, Mathematics, Social Studies, Sciences, Arts, Music, and Physical Education and Sport. Students must achieve a minimum GPA of 2.8to complete this major successfully.
Admission Requirements, Retention & Termination Standards
- A minimum cumulative average of a 2.8 must be earned in the Teaching Grades 3-6 Major.
- Complete EDU 107 with a B or higher.
- A minimum cumulative average of a 2.8 is required to complete the student teaching clinical experience.
- Students must adhere to the Teacher Candidate Dispositions set by the Education Preparation Program.
- All of the following courses must be completed with a C+ or higher: EDU 293, EDU 330, EDU 380WI, EDU 381WI, EDU 495, EDU 515, EDU 533, ENG 316, SPE 250, SPE 311QR, SPE 504.
- Students must earn a grade of C or better in MTH 150, MTH 250, and MTH 350.
Note: 12 credit hours double count on the University Program.
Program Requirements
Required Courses (68 hours)
BIO 165 | Life Science for Elementary Teachers | 3(2-3) |
EDU 293 | Educational Psychology for Elementary Education | 3(Spec) |
EDU 330 | Foundations of Reading Instruction | 3(3-0) |
EDU 380WI | Interdisciplinary Methods and Pre-Student Teaching (Math & Literacy, PK-6) | 6-10(Spec) |
EDU 381WI | Interdisciplinary Methods and Pre-Student Teaching | 6(Spec) |
EDU 495 | Foundations of Education | 3(3-0) |
EDU 515 | Managing Classrooms and Learning Environments | 3(Spec) |
EDU 533 | Diagnosis and Treatment of Reading Difficulties | 3(2-3) |
ENG 316 | Teaching Writing and Grammar, Grades 3-6 | 3(3-1) |
ENG 381WI | Children's Literature | 3(3-0) |
GEL 285/GEO 285 | Earth Systems Science for Elementary Teachers | 3(2-2) |
GEO 350 | United States and Canada | 3(3-0) |
HST 210 | United States History through Michigan Eyes | 3(3-0) |
MTH 150 | The Teaching of Counting and Whole Numbers | 3(3-0) |
MTH 250 | The Teaching of Fractions, Decimals, and Proportional Reasoning | 3(3-0) |
MTH 350 | The Teaching of Patterns, Shapes, Measurement and Data | 3(3-0) |
PHS 151QR | Introductory Physical Science I | 3(2-2) |
PSC 105 | Introduction to American Government and Politics | 3(3-0) |
SCI 385 | Science and Engineering Practices for Teaching PK-6 | 2(1-2) |
SPE 311QR | Foundations in Educational Assessment | 3(3-0) |
SPE 504 | Teaching Students in Inclusive Settings | 3(3-0) |
Other Requirements (4 hours)
Select two of the following courses:
ART 345 | Art in the Elementary School | 2(1-2) |
HPE 310 | Physical Education for the Classroom Teacher | 2(Spec) |
HSC 343 | Health Education in the Elementary School | 2(2-0) |
MUS 330 | Music for Elementary Classroom Teachers | 2(1-2) |
Total: 72 semester hours