Marketing Major, B.S. in B.A.
B.S. in B.A.
Major Map for Marketing Major
Major Map for Marketing and Logistics Double Majors
Admission Requirements, Retention & Termination Standards
To declare a major in Marketing:
See an advisor in the Department of Marketing and Hospitality Services Administration. To register for most of the courses on the major students must be admitted to the Bachelor of Science in Business Administration (BSBA). Please see the bulletin for course prerequisites.
Credit/No Credit coursework will not count on any major within the Department of Marketing and Hospitality Services Administration.
Program Requirements
Common Body of Knowledge Courses I (6 hours)
BUS 100 | Introduction to Business | 3(3-0) |
MGT 499 | Integrated Capstone-Strategic Management | 3(3-0) |
Common Body of Knowledge Courses II (3 hours)
Select one of the following:
Core Courses (18 hours)
MKT 255 | Introduction to Logistics and Physical Distribution | 3(3-0) |
MKT 305 | Buyer Behavior | 3(3-0) |
MKT 310 | Marketing Communications | 3(3-0) |
MKT 450 | Marketing Research | 3(3-0) |
MKT 490 | Internship in Marketing/Logistics | 3-6(Spec) |
MKT 499 | Strategic Marketing Problems | 3(3-0) |
Planned Program Courses (6 hours)
Select two of the following:
MKT 315 | Advertising Media | 3(3-0) |
MKT 320 | Retail Management | 3(3-0) |
MKT 325 | Merchandising Management | 3(3-0) |
MKT 340 | Personal Selling | 3(3-0) |
MKT 341 | Services Marketing | 3(3-0) |
MKT 360 | Electronic Commerce and Marketing Strategy | 3(3-0) |
MKT 425 | Retail Strategy | 3(3-0) |
MKT 431 | Logistics Operations | 3(3-0) |
MKT 432 | Logistics Strategy | 3(3-0) |
MKT 440 | Sales Management | 3(3-0) |
MKT 555 | Market and Sales Forecasting | 3(3-0) |
MKT 560 | International Marketing | 3(3-0) |
Total: 33 semester hours