Teacher and Special Education, Department of
College of Education and Human Services
Dr. Troy Hicks, Chair
421 EHS Building, 989-774-3975; tse@cmich.edu
Brandis Ansley, Ph.D., Special Education
Lorraine Berak, Ph.D., Educational Administration, Labor and Industrial Relations
Adam Berman, Ph.D., Educational Administration, Labor and Industrial Relations
Meghan Block, Ph.D., Literacy
Timothy Brannan, Ph.D., Educational Technology
April Burke, Ph.D., Literacy & Language Education
Shane Cavanaugh, Ph.D., Educational Psychology
Natalia Collings, Ph.D., Educational Psychology
Kevin Cunningham, Ph.D., Teacher Education
Dawn Decker, Ph.D., Special Education
Michael DeSchryver, Ph.D., Educational Psychology/Educational Technology
Kathryn Dirkin, Ph.D., Educational Technology
Raymond Francis, Ed.D., Curriculum and Instruction/Emphasis in Clinical Supervision
JoDell Heroux, Ph.D., Special Education
Troy Hicks, Ph.D., Curriculum, Teaching, and Educational Policy
William Leibfritz, Ph.D., Elementary Mathematics
James McDonald, Ph.D., Science Education
Krystyna Nowak-Fabrykowski, Ph.D., Early Childhood
Scott Roberts, Ph.D., Social Studies Education
Kristina Rouech, Ph.D., Teacher Education
Suzanne Shellady, Ph.D., Special Education
Chad Waldron, Ph.D., Literacy
Jennifer Weible, Ph.D., Learning, Design, and Technology
Alice Williams, Ph.D., Special Education
Mingyuan Zhang, Ed.D., Elementary Education
Course Designators:
ECE - Early Childhood Education
EDU - Teacher Education
MLE - Middle Level Education
SPE - Special Education
The Programs:
The Department of Teacher and Special Education offers five graduate programs:
Graduate Certificate in Learning, Design, and Technology
Master of Arts (M.A.) in Learning, Design, and Technology
Doctor of Educational Technology (D.E.T)
Master of Arts (M.A.) in Reading and Literacy (K-12)
Master of Arts (M.A.) in Special Education: The Master Teacher
These programs are also offered:
Master of Arts in Education (Interdisciplinary)
Graduate Certificate in Disability Studies and Community Inclusion (Interdepartmental)
Guide sheets specifying requirements, general elective courses, and other information for all the department's programs may be obtained from 421 EHS Building or on the department website.