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Communication Sciences and Disorders, Department of

The Herbert H. and Grace A. Dow College of Health Professions

(Audiology, Speech Language Pathology)

Dr. Susan Naeve-Velguth, Chair

989-774-1323, 2186 Health Professions


Kathryn Atkinson, Clinical Supervisor, CCC-SLP; M.A., Central Michigan University. Adult traumatic brain injury, adult dysphagia, adult neurogenic group therapy, multidisciplinary therapeutic processes


Laurie Bahlke, Clinical Supervisor, Speech-Language Pathology; CCC-SLP; M.A., Central Michigan University. Dysphagia, traumatic brain injury, adult neurogenic, child speech and language


Amanda Barone, Fixed-Term Faculty, CCC-SLP; M.S., Misericordia University. Adult cognitive-communicative disorders, aphasia, voice.


Nicholas Barone, Assistant Professor, CCC-SLP; M.A., Misericordia University; Ph.D., James Madison University.  Neurophysiology of voice, swallowing, and communication examined using functional near-infrared spectroscopy (FNIRS).


AnnMarie Bates, Clinical Supervisor and Coordinator of Summer Specialty Clinics, CCC-SLP; M.S., University of Nebraska - Lincoln. 


Kristin Birch, Fixed-term Faculty, CCC-A; Au.D., University of Washington.  Pediatric diagnostics, cochlear implant, auditory brain stem response training, and amplification.


Nicole M. Ferguson, Director of Clinical Services and Instruction in Audiology; CCC-A, FAAA; Au.D., Central Michigan University. Pediatric & Adult Diagnostics, Electrophysiology, Vestibular Assessment, Amplification, Tinnitus, Teleaudiology, and Veteran Hearing & Balance Health


Sarah Grinn, Associate Professor; CCC-A; Au.D., University of Florida; Ph.D., University of Texas at Dallas.  Auditory effects of isolated or frequent recreational noise insults sustained in normal hearing populations, role of pre-cochlear amplification in noise-induced hearing loss vulnerability


Barbara Jackson, Clinical Supervisor, CCC-A, Au.D. Central Michigan University. Cochlear implants, amplification and educational audiology


Theresa Jones, Director of Clinical Instruction and Services in Speech-Language Pathology Services; CCC-SLP; M.S., Howard University. Infant-toddler specialization, early intervention, sensory integration, pediatric traumatic brain injury, voice, multidisciplinary and transdisciplinary therapy


Stacey Lim, Associate Professor, CCC-A, Au.D., University of Akron; Ph.D., Kent State University. Cochlear implants, aural rehabilitation, language and literacy development of children with hearing loss, educational audiology


Megan MacPherson, Assistant Professor, CCC-SLP; M.A., Central Michigan University; Ph.D., Purdue University.  Speech motor control, neuroscience of communication, fluency disorders, speech science and acoustics, gerontology, neurogenics.


Susan Naeve-Velguth, Professor and Department Chair; CCC-A; M.S. and Ph.D., University of Minnesota. Rehabilitative audiology, American Sign Language, speech and language development of children with hearing loss


M. Dawn Nelson, Professor; FAAA; CCC-A; M.S., University of Maryland; Ph.D., Vanderbilt University. Auditory electrophysiology, central auditory processing, vestibular assessment and rehabilitation, neuroanatomy


Shannon Palmer, Professor; CCC-A; Au.D. and Ph.D., University of Connecticut; Diagnostic audiology, electrophysiology, central auditory processing disorders, cochlear implants


Stephanie Richards, Associate Professor, CCC-SLP; M.A., Central Michigan University; Ph.D., Bowling Green State University. Adolescent and adult language and literacy


Mary Beth Smith, Fixed Term Faculty; CCC-SLP, M.A., Michigan State University. Phonology, autism


Katie Squires, Professor, CCC-SLP; M.S., Nova Southeastern University; Ph.D., Utah State University. Child Language and Literacy


Katie Strong, Associate Professor, CCC-SLP, M.A., Kansas State University; Ph.D., Western Michigan University; Adult cognitive-communication disorders, aphasia, clinical education


Janet Sturm, Professor; CCC-SLP; Ph.D., University of Nebraska - Lincoln. Child language disorders, augmentative and alternative communication, literacy


Yunfang Zheng, Professor and Audiology Division Director; CCC-A; M.D., Suzhou Medical College, Sc.D., Montclair State University. Audiology diagnostics (pediatric and adult), amplification, aural rehabilitation, cochlear implants

Course Designators:

CSD - Communication Sciences and Disorders

ASL - American Sign Language

SLP - Speech Language Pathology

AUD - Audiology

The Department of Communication Sciences & Disorders offers the Doctor of Audiology and Master of Arts degree in Speech-Language Pathology, which lead to eligibility to apply for clinical certification and licensure.  Both programs are accredited by the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association’s (ASHA) Council on Academic Accreditation. A graduate certificate in Structured Language and Literacy Intervention is also offered.

The research facilities of the department are exemplary and extensive. Students are encouraged to participate in research and grant writing. A range of state-of-the art instruments and software is available for specialized audiometric, acoustic and speech-language analyses.  Opportunities for applied clinical research and qualitative research are also available. The Carls Center clinical population provides appropriate opportunities to carry out research projects. Many off-campus clinical facilities welcome student training and research activity.  

Students and faculty study a wide range of speech, language, and hearing disorders. The Carls Center clinic offers experiences in both individual and group treatment. There are opportunities available for pre-school placements within the speech-language clinic as well as clinical experience with those in need of augmentative and alternative communication services and endoscopic visualization of the larynx for voice/swallow assessment.  The Summer Speech-Language Specialty Clinics include a specialized five-week treatment program for children and adolescents with all types of communication disorders.

Experiences with adult populations involve innovative therapy for all types of speech and language disorders, including those secondary to traumatic brain injury (TBI), aphasia and voice,  stuttering, and others. 

In addition, many students travel to local schools to work with school-aged children in programs which involve traditional speech and language therapy as well as phonemic awareness programs. 

Each year, several graduate students are awarded competitive assistantships, which include a stipend and tuition credits.  Appointment to an assistantship qualifies graduate students for in-state tuition rates.

To receive full consideration for admission and financial assistance, applications and all accompanying documents must be received by January 15 for both degree programs for entrance in the Summer II semester for speech-language pathology and fall semester for audiology. There are no spring semester admissions. (Early applications are encouraged.) Both graduate programs participate with the Communication Sciences and Disorders Centralized Application System (CSDCAS) on-line application process. This can be accessed at Admission to both graduate programs is a competitive process. Neither successful completion of an undergraduate degree from CMU or another university, nor meeting the minimal entrance requirements of CSD or the Office of Graduate Studies guarantees admission. The number of students admitted each fall is governed by the number of available openings in the program.

The Programs:

Master of Arts (M.A.) in Speech-Language Pathology

Doctor of Audiology (Au.D.)

Graduate Certificate in Structured Language and Literacy Intervention


CDO-SLP Alumni Scholarship
Established in 1998 through alumni support, for a second-year graduate student in the Speech/Language Pathology Program in the Department of Communication Sciences & Disorders.

J. Dean and Betty L. Eckersley Audiology Scholarship
Established in 1996 as a renewable scholarship for a graduate status audiology student within the Department of Communication Sciences & Disorders who earned a minimum GPA of 3.5 as a senior with financial need as determined by CMU. Preference will be given to students from Isabella County, other counties of Michigan and transfer students from Mid-Michigan Community College who were recipients of the J. Dean and Betty L. Eckersley Scholarship.

Nicholas P. Redfield Scholarship
Established in 1998 by colleagues in memory of Dr. Redfield for a third-year Au.D. doctoral student who demonstrates a "client-centered" approach in clinical performance. Volunteer work and efforts to better the audiology program at CMU will also be considered in selecting a candidate for this award.