Students will complete courses in a variety of administrative areas. The student has the flexibility to design a unique program of study intended to acquire or enhance administrative skills. Substitutions must be recommended by the advisor and approved by the MSA Director.
BIS 601 | Information Systems | 3(3-0) |
CED 555/MSA 555 | Human Relations Skills | 3(3-0) |
COM 560 | Communication and Social/Organizational Change | 3(3-0) |
COM 561 | Communication in Conflict Management | 3(3-0) |
COM 665 | Seminar in Communication and Negotiation in Employee Relations | 3(3-0) |
COM 667 | Seminar in Intercultural Communication | 3(3-0) |
CPS 603 | Computer Information Systems | 3(3-0) |
EDL 620 | Administration Within Diverse Populations | 3(3-0) |
EDL 624 | Planning for Instruction in Nontraditional Settings | 3(3-0) |
EDL 751 | Program Evaluation and Review | 3(3-0) |
EDL 760 | Leadership Theory and Practice | 3(3-0) |
HED 612 | Methods and Techniques of Training and Development | 3(3-0) |
HED 626 | The Adult Learner | 3(3-0) |
IET 500 | Production Concepts | 3(3-0) |
EGT 524 | Technology and Environment | 3(3-0) |
MGT 643 | Human Resource Management | 3(3-0) |
MGT 646 | Labor Relations Issues | 3(3-0) |
MGT 649 | Seminar in Organizational Development | 3(3-0) |
MGT 667 | International Business | 3(3-0) |
MKT 555 | Market and Sales Forecasting | 3(3-0) |
MKT 560 | International Marketing | 3(3-0) |
MSA 501 | The Emotionally Intelligent Organization | 3(3-0) |
MSA 502 | Professional Development in Organizations | 3(3-0) |
MSA 503 | Gender and Generational Supervision | 3(3-0) |
MSA 506 | Evaluation, Coaching and Mentoring | 3(3-0) |
MSA 510 | The Culturally Intelligent Organization | 3(3-0) |
MSA 520 | Ethics in Digital Transformation | 3(3-0) |
MSA 521 | Digital Culture & Social Media Strategies | 3(3-0) |
MSA 522 | Digital Leadership | 3(3-0) |
MSA 530WI | Foundations of Wellness Administration | 3(3-0) |
MSA 573WI | Workplace Violence: Awareness and Prevention | 3(3-0) |
MSA 607 | Program Management in Complex Organizations | 3(3-0) |
MSA 608 | Succession Planning | 3(3-0) |
MSA 609 | Ethical and Legal Dimensions of Private Sector Organizations | 3(3-0) |
MSA 613 | Process Improvement: Operational Efficiency & Economic Growth | 3(3-0) |
MSA 618 | Labor Relations, Employment Law, and Globalization | 3(3-0) |
MSA 647 | People and Project Administration | 3(3-0) |
MSA 660 | Marketing Administration | 3(3-0) |
MSA 677 | Disruption, Innovation, Transformation and Change | 3(3-0) |
PAD 523WI | Fundamentals of Grant Writing and Management | 3(3-0) |
PAD 522 | Strategic Planning for Public and Non-Profit Organizations | 3(3-0) |
PAD 611 | Public Personnel Management | 3(3-0) |
PAD 685 | Strategic Leadership | 3(3-0) |
PHL 518 | Professional Ethics | 3(3-0) |
PSC 514 | American Public Policy Making | 3(3-0) |
PSC 522 | Regulatory Processes and Administrative Law | 3(3-0) |
PSC 555 | International Law I | 3(3-0) |
RPL 521 | Fund Development & Grant Writing for Public & Non-profit Organizations | 3(3-0) |