Apparel Product Development and Merchandising Technology, M.S.
Editor's note: due to approval received by HLC, this program has been updated since it was published in May. Contact the department for more information.
Minimum Totals for Graduation: 30-36 hours
This program is designed to prepare graduates for advanced positions in apparel and textile product design and development, CAD technology, industry research and development, careers in higher education and government and continued graduate study. Creative solutions, cutting edge technology and real world applications are emphasized at all instructional levels.
Admission Requirements, Retention & Termination Standards
Admission Requirement Snapshot
GPA: 3.0 (in the last 60 hours undergraduate course work)
Entrance Exam: N/A
Application Deadline: February 1 (Fall Admission)
August 1 (Spring Admission)
See Admission Requirement Details Below
Note: Complete application materials must be received by the date indicated. Applicants interested in being considered for a graduate assistantship should apply for admission by the deadline. Late applications may not be considered for a graduate assistantship.
Students applying for the M.S. degree should have a minimum of 12 hours of undergraduate coursework in fashion merchandising and design or closely related area.
Students accepted for the M.S. program who lack supporting course work generally are required to make up these deficiencies by taking undergraduate course work in fashion merchandising and design. Equivalent work experience in the field may be counted as supporting coursework toward minimum admission requirements.
Admission to the graduate program in Apparel Product Development and Merchandising Technology includes meeting the following criteria:
Submission of the CMU application form for admission to the Graduate School, found at
An earned baccalaureate degree from an accredited institution.
Three references; a minimum of two references should be from post-secondary instructors or faculty members. If an applicant is not able to provide two academic references then professional references who can address the applicant’s capacity to succeed as a graduate student in the APDMT program. References from family members, co-workers, clergy, etc., will not be considered. In addition to verifying their contact information and confirming how they know the applicant, references will be required to securely upload a dated and signed recommendation that is on university or company letterhead.
One official transcript (with institution's seal) sent directly from each institution attended.
A minimum grade point average of 3.0 on a 4.0 scale in the last 60 hours of undergraduate coursework.
Statement of purpose: A 2-4 page, typed, double-spaced essay that (Part I) describes how previous experiences and training have prepared and led the applicant to pursue a MS degree in APDMT and (Part II) identifies likely professional goals and how graduate training can help accomplish these goals.
CAD examples (Adobe Photoshop/Illustrator examples) that the student creates the technical flat sketch of garment.
English Proficiency Requirements (if the applicant is an international student)
Non-refundable application fee.
(See information on Accelerated Admissions below)
Program Requirements
Required Courses (12 hours)
FMD 604 | Research in Textiles & Apparel | 3(3-0) |
FMD 655 | Textile Product Evaluation | 3(2-2) |
FMD 656 | Fashion Retail Technology | 3(3-0) |
Plan Options
Select one of the following plans:
Plan A (18 hours)
Select one of the following tracks:
Track 1: Thesis (18 hours)
- 3 hours of graduate courses related to Research Methods and/or Statistics.
- 9 hours of FMD graduate level courses.
Track 2: Creative Scholarship (18 hours)
- 3 hours of graduate courses related to Research Methods and/or Statistics.
- 9 hours of FMD graduate level courses.
FMD 796 | Creative Scholarship | 1-6(Spec) |
Plan B (18-24 hours)
Select one of the following tracks:
Track 1 Internship 18 hours
- 9 hours of FMD graduate level courses
- 3 hours of supporting courses outside of FMD
- 6 hours of the following:
FMD 635 | Advanced Internship in Textiles and Apparel | 1-6(Spec) |
Track 2: Course Work (24 hours)
- 12-15 hours of FMD graduate level courses
- 6-9 hours of supporting courses outside FMD
- 3 hours of the following:
FMD 790 | Independent Study in Fashion Merchandising and Design | 2-6(Spec) |
Total: 30-36 semester hours
Accelerated Admissions to the Master of Science in Apparel Product Development and Merchandising Technology
Advanced undergraduate students majoring in Fashion Merchandising and Design who would like to pursue advanced studies in design, merchandising, product development, and technology relating to the textiles and apparel industry complex may consider an option whereby they can complete their bachelor's degree and a Master of Science in Apparel Product Development and Merchandising Technology in five years. The program requirements on the Accelerated Master's Degree Program are identical to those of the Master of Science in Apparel Product Development and Merchandising Technology, but allow the student to apply 12 credit hours of graduate coursework toward both their bachelor's degree and their Master of Science in Apparel Product Development and Merchandising Technology.
If you are admitted to an AMDP, your financial aid may be affected. Contact the Office of Scholarships and Financial Aid for information (989-774-3674) or
Admission Requirements:
- Be within 30 credit hours of graduation.
- Have an overall GPA of 3.3, or a 3.3 GPA in the last 60 hours of coursework.
- Complete all university requirements.
- Have a signed Fashion Merchandising and Design major on a B.S., B.A. or B.A.A. degree.
- Three letters of recommendation, including two from faculty. If it is not possible to obtain faculty references, references should be from professionals who can address your capacity to succeed as a graduate student.
- A 2-4 page, typed, double-spaced essay that (Part I) describes how previous experiences and training have prepared and led the ap- plicant to pursue a Master of Science degree in Apparel Product Development and Merchandising Technology (APDMT) and (Part II) identifies likely professional goals and how graduate training can help accomplish these goals.
Program of Study
Students must be fully admitted to the accelerated program prior to beginning classes that are expected to be counted towards both degrees. During their first semester of enrollment, students may take one 600-level course and one 500-level course to be counted towards both degrees. During the second semester of enrollment, students may take one 600-level course and one 500-level course OR two 600-level courses to be counted towards both degrees. Students may not take more than 6 hours per semester for dual credit.
Retention Standards
Upon admittance into the Accelerated Masters Degree Program (AMDP), students have the responsibility of continuing the completion of all course requirements for the university program and for their majors and minors on their bachelor's degree. Upon matriculation into the AMDP, an overall GPA of at least 3.0 is required throughout the graduate curriculum.