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ANT 350WI Water as Life, Death, and Power

Problems of water access, water-borne pathogens, water treatment, and power relationships in global cultures from anthropology, biology, and chemistry perspectives. Identical to BIO 350WI, CHM 350WI, and ENV 351WI. Credit may not be earned in more than one of these courses. May not be applied to any Biology major or the Biology minor. May not be applied to Chemistry or Biochemistry major or minor. Writing Intensive. Prerequisites: Completion of 56 hours. Recommended: ANT 171 or ANT 170; BIO 101 or BIO 110 or BIO 111; CHM 111 or CHM 120 or CHM 131; or ENV 101 or ENV 300. (University Program Group III-B: Studies in Social Structures)



Cross Listed Courses

BIO 350, CHM 350, ENV 351

Course Syllabus